Hi folk! I don't own a 770 myself yet, but a friend from work got one and I'm sold once I have the money in hand to purchase one... but in the process of testing it out I showed it around and generated a floor full of interesting. *grin* That said, one question that came up is if we could get a mini-usb -> (whatever magic) -> serial port adapter and use it with the Nokia 770 as a portable terminal for our servers and such at work. I haven't seen any terminal related applications yet, so at some level I'm simply wondering if it's possible conceptually or if there is no way the hardware can support this? I've also seen a couple of nifty (albeit expensive) bluetooth <-> serial port adapters here and there. Whenever I get my hands on one of these, I have plans on porting things to it, so something along these lines might be a good start if there's even a chance of it working. Thanks for any insight you all may have! Daniel