I'm struggling to get lm-sensors to see the CPU coretemps available on this motherboard for the CPU. The sensor-detect identified SMSC LPC47M182, i2c-i801 and aSC7611, but nothing to be written. It also says "SMSC LPC47m182 Super IO Fan Sensors, (but not activate.)". Apparently the smc47m1 and smc47m192 don't support smc47m182, since no driver is listed for 182. Nor does the aSC7621 support aSC7611 (confidence 5, "driver-to-be-written", but the description available suggest the aSC7621 extends what Andigilog made available with aSC7611. The CPU thermal coretemp is monitored and able to be displayed with the BIOS setup screen, so I know the sensors are working for it, but why don't they work with Linux? The odd thing is that /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/type is PROCESSOR? How would I go about adapting or modify the modules to work properly on this Intel motherboard? I'm using Slackware64 14.2. I've checked that Linux kernel 4.4.231 config has HWMON and THERMAL set to "yes". While this mother board and CPU are old, they are sufficient for my needs. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers, BrianA_MN. P.S. I'm also on ##kernel, but have not seen any responses to inquiry there.