Hi all, The live patching microconference at LPC in Vancouver is scheduled for Nov 15, Thursday afternoon, from 2:00PM-4:45PM. With a 30 minute conference break in the middle, we only have 2 hours and 15 minutes of scheduled time. Similar to previous years, we have a lot of topics to cover in a short amount of time. For everyone planning to attend this year, please review the following (tentative) schedule: https://linuxplumbersconf.org/event/2/timetable/?view=lpc I did my best to fit everything in. I gave each topic a 15 minute slot, except for arch support, which got 30 minutes (10 minutes per arch). Our goal is to maximize discussions and minimize "presenting". Jiri has proposed a 0-1 slide rule: all presenters only prepare a single slide (or even no slides). I'm happy to shrink/add time to different topics as needed. Or if you don't think a topic is worth discussing, we can drop it to give more time elsewhere. And of course, during the session, if a topic ends early, we can move on to the next one ahead of schedule. Any thoughts/comments/suggestions? -- Josh