Well, this is probably a long shot. I'm in Boston, too, at FreshPond in Cambridge. I'm working on the GENI WiMAX network (see http://www.geni.net/) and trying to get a pretty recent build of WiMAX up on the net. We have the advantage that we have a base station and I can watch the logs as I try to connect. I can even dig in a little bit but we do not have source code for the BS and in any case I don't want to "void the warranty." I remember David Ward's last cry for help on this list. It happened at about the time that I was seeing a rogue station trying to access GENI. We control access by accepting only certain MAC addresses and I didn't grant access to the rogue. It seems unlikely that If David was attempting to access us at FreshPond, from a site at Lincoln Labs, that we would hear him, but, who knows? If you want to schedule a time when I should watch the logs, send me some email at axm at bbn.com. Maybe you're the rogue! But, why I'm really writing is that with my Dell Inspiron 1012, loaded with Ubuntu 10.10 and the current WiMAX Tools and WiMAX service daemon shows symptoms similar to David's. I can find the base signal with wimaxcu scan but I don't see any sign of my mobile signal in BS logs. How should I start tracking this? It seems like a config problem...as if I'm not sending on the right frequency (which happens to be 2590MHz - well away from the local ClearWire signals). We have a legitimate FCC experimental license. I also have a Sprint EVO 4G (rooted and jimmied) and a Beceem USB dongle. Both the EVO and Beceem connect and work just fine. Tony