As instructed in the Fedora 7 installation guide, I inserted the line exclude kernel=* kernel-doc kernel-source kernel-smp*debuginfo* in my yum.conf file. (It's not on one line in this message on my screen, but it is in the file. Anyway, when I do yum update it promises to install kernel i686 2.6.22-133.fc7 updates 16 M again, all on one line. I'm appending the text of my yum.conf in case I did something wrong here, but the line looks to me just like in the installation guide. I actually seem to have installed this other kernel doing yum update -y on Friday: there were new lines in my grub.conf. Luckily, I rebooted without a problem, and eventually removed the thing. Still, I thought the exclude line was meant to prevent just this problem. Any suggestions? Thanks Al text of yum.conf [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum keepcache=0 debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log exactarch=1 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=1 plugins=1 metadata_expire=1800 exclude kernel=* kernel-doc kernel-source kernel-smp*debuginfo* # PUT YOUR REPOS HERE OR IN separate files named file.repo # in /etc/yum.repos.d