Hey all, Although this is off topic, I know that a lot of you will like this information. This may make searching a whole lot easier for you, especially those of you using text browsers to surf and search the internet. Google now has an accessible search tool, appropriately named, Google Accessible Search. The link is: http://labs.google.com/accessible/ <http://labs.google.com/accessible/> My interpretation of the documentation on the Google Accessible Search page is that the search results are listed in a most to least accessible order. To find out how it will work for you check out the overview and faq links on the Google Accessible Search page. Steve Dawes Phone: (403) 268-5527 Email: SDawes at calgary.ca NOTICE - This communication is intended ONLY for the use of the person or entity named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient named above or a person responsible for delivering messages or communications to the intended recipient, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that any use, distribution, or copying of this communication or any of the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and then destroy or delete this communication, or return it to us by mail if requested by us. The City of Calgary thanks you for your attention and co-operation.