Perhaps the following steps are what you are looking for: 1. While the desired page is being displayed, press the backslash (\) key to get the html source. 2. While the html source is being displayed, press 'p' to print the current document. 3. Select the option to print the document to a file (probably the first option on the menu). 4. Modify the default file name if desired, and hit the enter key to save the file to your disk. 5. To return to the html source document, you may need to hit the left arrow key, as though you were returning to a previous document. Once at the html source document, press the backslash key (\) again to bring back the rendered document. HTH, and have a _great_ day! On Sat, Jul 17, 2004 at 11:00:56AM -0500, Gregory Nowak wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > Hi all. > > I've been looking through the lynx man page, and the help file, but > can't find what I'm looking for. > > I know that hitting d on a link you're pointing to will download that > link for you. However, say I'm currently sitting on a html page, and > want to download it to save to my hard drive, just as if I had been > pointing to it, and used the d option. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance. > > Greg -- Ralph. N6BNO. Wisdom comes from central processing, not from I/O. rreid at Opinions herein are either mine or they are flame bait. SLOPE = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)