Hi their. No, varification utilizing graphic immages is not at all accessible. Actually, now that you point it out, the services that utilize this mechanism actually made it a lot more complicated. Similar systems exist, but instead of using graphic images, they simply will send the user e-mail as part or as a complete verification sollution. This is a lot better, as it doesn't require the use of pixelated immages, and is also accessible. Speaking of which, what can we do as blind persons to change this behavior? Because if this contiues, I can see a serious problem in uu being able to access crucial information. If any of you have suggestions on waht we can do, post them to the list. B/c I'm certainly interested in what can be done. Yahoo! is not the only company which seems to do this. Paypal does this, but at least they provide an audio interface to the numbers or characters which are to be entered in such boxes. Industry-wide though, their should be a solution. Ok guys, I'm done and I'm off my loap box right now. Its just that it frustrates me a lot. -- Erik Heil <eheil at va3duk.serveftp.com> Phone: (865) 673-0542