Is anybody on this list currently running gentoo? I want to re-install on my desktop because I no longer really need my DOS partition (well, I still have a little problem with transfers to and from the braillelite but I plan to solve that). My preference would probably be to re-install debian, but having to either use an older installer cd or having to mess with floppies which don't always seem to work for me don't seem like really wonderful alternatives. besides this, unless one runs unstable (which is what I usually do), things aren't current. so gentoo sounds kind of appealing to me. but I'd like to know: if anybody has either run it recently or is running it, did you have issues with installation and what were your impressions of it once you got it installed? I have looked at some of the archive issues (I think there were some here and in blinux) with this but would like any current opinions. I know that people's likes and dislikes re: distributions are often a fairly subjective matter, so not trying to start a dist war, but just am trying to decide whether I want to try this. A while back I tried fedora on my laptop and really didn't find it to be what i wanted, but that doesn't mean I'm never going to try anything different again. Thanks. -- Cheryl "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."