Ok, this helps, and doesn't help. The computer in question does not have a connection to the internet, and won't have one. How can I just get the current cvs, and apply it with out having to strip the computer apart, install a modem, setup a internet connection, apply the cvs, and then take the modem back out, and put it back in the machine I took it from. Why can't Kirk or someone put the cvs patches somewhere where I can download the latestSpeakup, already patched, and patch the kernel from that? Why does this have to be so hard. The way it looks to me I will have to blow away another machine just to make a dumb kernel for a machine that has been a stand alone Linux box. I relize this might be an unusual situation, but I don't use Linux as my primary operating system, and thus it doesn't get all of the attention others would put into it. However, I have to get these cvs patches without going through heck to apply them. Also the person I am making the kernel for wants to have the Speakup source with the current CVS applied, and so far I see nothing like that. Ok, any help from here would be vary welcome. Thanks, and please help me out with this one.