WEll things may not b done simply cause Kirk (the other one) is doing all of this on his own time for no money. Send him enough and he might be quiet happy to provide all kinds of service. As for a way around the situation there is a simple one. Download all you need from a computer that has an internet connection. Then transfer the data. (You did leave a means for data tranfer didn't you?) I find it hard to believe nobody has a CD burner that you know of. In fact, probably someone has a high speed connection and a burner and would do it for the cost of the disk. Ask your friends. The download need not occur on a linux machine. I have downloaded many a file from a windows machine then tranfered to my linux machine. Just transfer in binary mode. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when open. If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.