Hi Tony,
It might make your job easier if the oFono driver itself invoked the
necessary magic to setup the multiplexer and handed off the devices as
needed. We used to have a driver like this, but not sure if it ever made it
Playing with ldattach and user space handling earlier this year did
not work out good.. It needed app specific handling for the Motorola
custom layer on top of ts 27.010, custom handling for all the devices
such as GNSS and audio mixer, and did not work well with device
specific power management. So let's not go back to that :)
You still need someone to send AT+CMUX, no? And you most likely need to
integrate power management into the telephony stack anyway. As I
mentioned, we had a driver like this that worked just fine. oFono ended
up using a user space MUX since most of the quality of life improvements
to n_gsm came in much later. If I was writing a new MUXed driver these
days, I'd seriously consider using GSMIOC_SETCONF and GSMIOC_ENABLE_NET.
How does the audio mixer handling work? Just some AT commands to setup
the mixing parameters, or something more involved?
Some other things to consider:
- oFono expects / is designed to expect exclusive access to all the tty
- GNSS/GPS is intended to be handled via oFono LocationReporting API. I
would recommend integrating this as intended...
One more question: I guess I'll need to implement this... Is there
another example of driver doing AT commands but on multiple file
descriptors? I could really use something to look at as a template..
Any driver for a USB based device would be setup this way. Each AT port is
a separate file, e.g. ttyUSB1, ttyACM2, etc. The discovery is done via
udev. See plugins/mbm.c or plugins/ublox.c or plugins/telit.c, etc.
Assuming you don't want to setup the multiplexer in oFono, then the only
tricky part is the port setup. udevng.c setup_serial_modem() assumes a
single port, so you might need to add some extra logic to setup the ports
via udev rules.
We have network status data at /dev/motmdm1, outgoing SMS PDU device at
/dev/motmdm3, incoming SMS PDU device at /dev/motmdm9 and so on for each
ts 27.010 channel. At least incoming and outgoing SMS PDU devices could
be considered as separate modems if that makes things easier?
No, that just makes things more difficult.
Alternatively, simply use a config file specific to your driver. See for
example how plugins/phonesim.c does this.
Or, if it is an extremely platform specific driver, then just hardcode it.
E.g. like plugins/calypso.c, which only works for the Freerunner.
Just adding one more thing to consider: Looks like the modem handling for
SMS PDU's needs to be specific to the nework. First the network needs to
be detected, and then the GSM or CDMA handlers need to be used for sending
and receiving SMS. After that things should get standard.. Looks like
ofono has parsing for the different type SMS PDUs in src/*sms*.c :)
There's no real functional CDMA support in oFono anyhow. Given that
most CDMA networks are about to be switched off, I don't know why you
would bother?