Hi Pavel,
Kernel 27.010 multiplexer or something else entirely?
Kernel 27.010 multiplexer, AFAICT. Some of the endpoints are handled
in kernel (gps, audio mixer control).
Who sets up the multiplexer? Kernel?
It might make your job easier if the oFono driver itself invoked the
necessary magic to setup the multiplexer and handed off the devices as
needed. We used to have a driver like this, but not sure if it ever
made it upstream.
One more question: I guess I'll need to implement this... Is there
another example of driver doing AT commands but on multiple file
descriptors? I could really use something to look at as a template..
Any driver for a USB based device would be setup this way. Each AT port
is a separate file, e.g. ttyUSB1, ttyACM2, etc. The discovery is done
via udev. See plugins/mbm.c or plugins/ublox.c or plugins/telit.c, etc.
Assuming you don't want to setup the multiplexer in oFono, then the only
tricky part is the port setup. udevng.c setup_serial_modem() assumes a
single port, so you might need to add some extra logic to setup the
ports via udev rules.
Alternatively, simply use a config file specific to your driver. See
for example how plugins/phonesim.c does this.
Or, if it is an extremely platform specific driver, then just hardcode
it. E.g. like plugins/calypso.c, which only works for the Freerunner.