Re: piping escape into dosemu

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TW wrote:
Hi Mike,

thanks for your patience.  I'm sorry if my wording was confusing -
English is not my mother tongue.
No problem.

It appears the following problem is equivalent to mine, but simpler to
describe because it neither involves pipes nor echo:

Say I have a DOS program that shows kind of a splash screen which can
be bypassed by hitting ESC.  (This is just an example.)  I'd like to
automate this, so I start dosemu like

  dosemu -input 'thedosapp.exe\r\^['

because in the readme[1] I'm told that "\^[" is the syntax for the
escape key.  At least that's how I interpret the "\^x" section.
Ok, we have a use/mention problem, I think. In your example, you
give a string enclosed in 'single quotes'. That string, as you
show it, should have two characters after the '\r'. I suspect
that you are typing three characters '\', '^', and '['. That
is not the intended action. What is intended is that you type
a BACKSLASH ('\'), and an ESC. The shell displays on your
screen two characters when you type ESC, but that is a single keystroke.

You may have to type ESC twice to make it work with your shell. In any
case, you should not be typing the '^' and '[' characters; those
are just how the shell displays the input on the screen.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work.  So what's the syntax for the escape
key?  I tried to find hints in the source code, but my C know-how is
The ESC key. You may, as I said, have to type it twice. I had to.

pretty basic.  All I figured out is that the uhook_keystroke()
function in dosemu/src/base/misc/userhook.c must be the function that
handles the keystroke command.
Well, let's hope that gets you going!

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