> Then will lost the sequence of our log. We will get lots of entries like > "dmesg-efi-`unique but meaningless number here`" in pstore fs. Who will > know which file is the latest record? Ah, that's good point. > And another side, the combin of timestamp, count and part is unique. Why > we generate a unique number from a unique number? > if you think "making a string from three ints and then a parse it to a > int again" is odd, i'd like to use ((timestamp * 100 + part) * 100 + > count. How about calculating the number of digit of part /count, instead of using fixed "100"? We can ensure the uniqueness of each id by doing it. digit_num = log2(part)/log2(10) + 1 timestamp * 10^(digit_num + 1) Seiji ?韬{.n?????%??檩??w?{.n???{饼玮??骅w*jg????????G??⒏⒎?:+v????????????"??????