Hi all.
I hope this is the right mailing list to send to.
It's a request to fix an incorrect setting in the configuration file supplied for the scan utility of the dvb-utils software, the
the au-Perth region.
I have a Hauppauge Nova-T tuner card and for ages I've been able to get all of the five TV stations except for Channel 7.
I had looked all over the Internet and the settings reoprted on various wiki's, mailing lists, etc all agreed with the ones I was
trying, but failing with.
Finally I stumbled across the correct settings on the Digital Broadcasting Australia's website at the following link:
The problem is that everywhere, the guard interval for channel 7 has been reported as being 1/8.
This is incorrect. It is actually 1/16.
It was enough to stop me from being able to tune to it, even when doing auto scans.
I was just about to return the DVB-T capture card as faulty because of this setting reported incorrectly everywhere.
I'm using Debian, and they have a dvb-utils package that is at version 1.1.1 that seems to be the latest version.
In this package is a file called: /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/au-Perth
The current contents of this file are as follows:
# Australia / Perth (Carmel/Bickley transmitters)
# T freq bw fec_hi fec_lo mod transmission-mode guard-interval hierarchy
T 226500000 7MHz 3/4 NONE QAM64 8k 1/16 NONE
# Seven
T 177500000 7MHz 2/3 NONE QAM64 8k 1/8 NONE
# Nine
T 191625000 7MHz 3/4 NONE QAM64 8k 1/16 NONE
# Ten
T 219500000 7MHz 3/4 NONE QAM64 8k 1/16 NONE
T 536625000 7MHz 2/3 NONE QAM64 8k 1/8 NONE
However the entry for "Seven" should be:
T 177500000 7MHz 2/3 NONE QAM64 8k 1/16 NONE
Is this the correct list to report this problem to so that the file is corrected in future versions of the utils?
I hope this helps anyone else from Perth who has had the same problem as me and kept finding the same mis-information that I did.
Jim Barber
DDI Health
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