I'm occasionally converting scanned images to PDF files, people seem to
be able to read/print them easier.
I have two scripts that basically run through the scanned .png files and
spit out a single PDF in the end. This works for LETTER size, but not
for LEGAL size, and I don't know why. What happens is this: The scan has
the proper format (legal size), conversion to pnm and then ps gives me a
properly legal sized postscript file - but as soon as ghostscript
processes it, the document gets shifted down by an inch or so, and an
inch of information gets lost at the end of the page. Why? I wish I
knew. The script is as follows:
cd ~scanner
for filename in `ls *.png` ; do
echo -n "Converting $filename to PDF ... "
pngtopnm $filename | pnmtops -imagewidth=8.5 -imageheight=14 |
ps2pdf14 -sPAPERSIZE=legal - `echo $filename|cut -d. -f1`.pdf
rm $filename
echo "done. Source deleted."
echo -n "Concatenating PDF files ... "
gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-sPAPERSIZE=legal -sOutputFile="/mnt/server/PDF/ScanImage `date +"%a %F
%H.%M.%S"`.pdf" `ls *.pdf`
echo "done."
echo -n "Cleaning up ... "
rm *.pdf
chmod -R a+rw "/mnt/server/PDF"
echo "done."
Does anyone see something obviously wrong? I don't :(
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