RE: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic

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It doesn't run!

mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~$ cd /home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
[sudo] password for mantegazza: 
error: mdm setup: cannot stat `modem:1': No such file or directory
error: cannot setup device `modem:1'


> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:14:00 -0500
> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
> CC: jacques.goldberg@xxxxxxx; discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
> Claudio,
> Slamr is not the preferred driver for your
>>>>> 0703 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
>>>>> Primary device ID: 8086:24c6
>>>>> Subsystem PCI_id 1631:d005
>>>>> Softmodem codec or chipset from diagnostics: SIL22, a Smartlink type
>>>>> from Archives:
> rather it is the snd-intel8x0m driver. With slmodemd already
> written to /usr/sbin/slmodemd,
> it suffices to activate it with:
> $ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
> Then open a 2nd console and the modem should be found by:
> $ sudo wvdialconf
> MarvS
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:58 AM, Claudio Mantegazza  wrote:
>> I did it but i stopped in your point 12).
>> Look at what i received...
>> ==============
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo ./setup
>> Installing slmodemd helper to /usr/sbin/slmodemd
>> Writing log to slmodemd_Inst.txt
>> ./setup: 14: slmodemd: not found
>> Copying slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd, making exectuable, and checking for version 2.9.11
>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Dec  3 2009 16:59:30
>> Version verified:    2.9.11
>> Read the slmodemd_Inst.txt
>> There is already installed a slmodemd of version:     2.9.11
>> There is a file /usr/sbin/slmodemd
>> Moving /usr/sbin/slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd.2.9.11
>> Copying slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd, making exectuable, and checking for version 2.9.11
>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Dec  3 2009 16:59:30
>> Version verified:    2.9.11
>> Read the slmodemd_Inst.txt
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo ./slmodemd
>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `/dev/slamr0': No such file or directory
>> error: cannot setup device `/dev/slamr0'
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0m
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo ./slmodemd
>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `/dev/slamr0': No such file or directory
>> error: cannot setup device `/dev/slamr0'
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slamr0
>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `/dev/slamr0': No such file or directory
>> error: cannot setup device `/dev/slamr0'
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo modprobe slamr
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slamr0
>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `/dev/slamr0': No such file or directory
>> error: cannot setup device `/dev/slamr0'
>> ==============
>> And in an other window.....
>> ==============
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ wvdialconf  /etc/wvdial.conf
>> Editing `/etc/wvdial.conf'.
>> Scanning your serial ports for a modem.
>> Modem Port Scan<*1>: S0   S1   S2   S3
>> Sorry, no modem was detected!  Is it in use by another program?
>> Did you configure it properly with setserial?
>> Please read the FAQ at
>> If you still have problems, send mail to .
>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$
>> ===============
>> Why it doesn't detect my modem?
>> Claudio.
>> ----------------------------------------
>>> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 12:51:33 -0500
>>> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>> CC: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Don't run "make", as the compile has already been done. Just do:
>>> $ sudo ./setup
>>> MarvS
>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Claudio Mantegazza  wrote:
>>>> Marvin,Jacques, wait a minute....
>>>> I did only a part which jacques told me...
>>>> i arrived to do all until jacques told me to continue to do what wrote in the README file at the installation but when i write the command in it i receice an error... Look at...
>>>> =================
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:~#     find  /  -iname   SLMODEMD*
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:~# cd /home/mantegazza/Scaricati
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati# tar zxf SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati#       cd SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21# exit
>>>> exit
>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~$ cd /home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ make
>>>> make: *** Nessun obiettivo specificato e nessun makefile trovato.  Arresto.
>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo su
>>>> [sudo] password for mantegazza:
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21# make
>>>> make: *** Nessun obiettivo specificato e nessun makefile trovato.  Arresto.
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21# make install
>>>> make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo «install».  Arresto.
>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21#
>>>> ===================
>>>> So what i have to do before continue?
>>>> Claudio.
>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>> Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 16:37:08 -0500
>>>>> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>> To: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> CC: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Claudio
>>>>> You are missing a file with the contents below.
>>>>> Make a file with these contents, but replacing:
>>>>> DialUpNumber
>>>>> YourLoginName
>>>>> YourPassword
>>>>> This file should be named wvdial.conf, and can initially be in your home folder.
>>>>> Then after the
>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY --alsa modem:1
>>>>> open a 2nd console and do:
>>>>> $ sudo wvdial -config=wvdial.conf
>>>>> MarvS
>>>>> [Dialer Defaults]
>>>>> Phone = DialUpNumber
>>>>> Username = YourLoginName
>>>>> Password = YourPassword
>>>>> Init1 = ATZ
>>>>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 X3 &C1 &D2 +MS=90
>>>>> Modem Type = Analog Modem
>>>>> ISDN = 0
>>>>> New PPPD = yes
>>>>> Modem = /dev/ttySL0
>>>>> Carrier Check = no
>>>>> Baud = 460800
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Marvin Stodolsky
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> The modem activation command should be:
>>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY --alsa modem:1
>>>>>> there should be reported creation of a port:
>>>>>>    /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N  , N some number
>>>>>> Only after such a success should one try;
>>>>>> $ sudo wvdial
>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Jacques Goldberg
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>> I believe that you have reached such a mess level that it has become
>>>>>>> impossible to know which is what.
>>>>>>> Here is what I would do in your place:
>>>>>>> Because you used two versions of file SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz ,
>>>>>>> 1-be root  or sudo before any command
>>>>>>> 2-go into directory   /usr/sbin
>>>>>>> 3-in that directory give command      rm slmodemd*
>>>>>>> Make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you write slmodemd* so that there is NOTHING, NO
>>>>>>> SPACE, NOTHING ELSE, between slmodemd and the *   . ABSOLUTELY SURE.
>>>>>>> Answer yes everytime you are prompted to erase a file with name starting
>>>>>>> with slmodemd  and NO in any other case.
>>>>>>> 4-go into directory named SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
>>>>>>> 5-in that directory give command      make uninstall
>>>>>>> 6-give the command     cd
>>>>>>> 7-give the command     find  /  -iname   SLMODEMD*              .Attention
>>>>>>> SLMODEMD in capital case.
>>>>>>>  This will give a list of all the files in your computer with a name
>>>>>>> starting with SLMODEMD
>>>>>>>  Erase all these files one at a time. To erase a file the command is rm  ;
>>>>>>> to erase an empty directory the command is rmdir; to erase a directory which
>>>>>>> is not empty the command is   rm  -rf
>>>>>>> Always start with rm   and then try rmdir and then  rm -rf   if the
>>>>>>> preceeding one is not accepted.
>>>>>>> 8-Now, in your usual directory, the one where  you usually login, download
>>>>>>> the file SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz
>>>>>>> Do not try to use one which has been downloaded before unless you are
>>>>>>> ABSOLUTELY sure that this is the one which I
>>>>>>> placed this morning.
>>>>>>> 9-Give the command     tar zxf SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz
>>>>>>> 10-Change directory with command       cd SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
>>>>>>> 11-Do exactly, one time and one time only, what Marv has written to you to
>>>>>>> do or what is written in file README in the directory where you are starting
>>>>>>> from point 4 in INSTALLATION
>>>>>>> 12-After you have given the command     slmodemd    and it has succeeded, in
>>>>>>> an other window give the command
>>>>>>>    wvdialconf  /etc/wvdial.conf      (no . in wvdialconf  and a , in
>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>    wvdialconf will find your modem
>>>>>>>    Edit /etc/wvdial.conf   as explained in
>>>>>>>    . Remember that you need
>>>>>>>    Carrier Check = no
>>>>>>> 13- When the file /etc/wvdial.conf has been edited and saved, in that window
>>>>>>> or any window except the one used for slmodemd, the command     wvdial
>>>>>>> should start your modem.
>>>>>>> when everything works well   wvdial   does NOT exit but stays doing nothing.
>>>>>>> Use your browser (like Firefox) and try to surf.
>>>>>>> Please remember: every time you do something else than what we tell you to
>>>>>>> do, like installing several slmodemd , you take the risk to create the
>>>>>>> conditions for failure.
>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>> Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>> I downloaded again the new file.
>>>>>>>> i saw that there was updated 1 hour ago...
>>>>>>>> and in a new window (not the same about the
>>>>>>>> =======================
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati$ wvdial
>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati$ cd
>>>>>>>> /home/mantegazza/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ ls
>>>>>>>> 1st_Read.txt  COPYING          Files.txt  setup             slmodemd
>>>>>>>>     slmodemd.txt  Testing.txt  wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>> Changes       CountryList.txt  README     Slmodem-ALSA.txt
>>>>>>>>  slmodemd_Inst.txt  slmodem.txt   Unload.txt
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ sudo
>>>>>>>> ./setup
>>>>>>>> [sudo] password for mantegazza:
>>>>>>>> Installing slmodemd helper to /usr/sbin/slmodemd
>>>>>>>> Writing log to slmodemd_Inst.txt
>>>>>>>> There is already installed a slmodemd of version:     2.9.11
>>>>>>>> There is a file /usr/sbin/slmodemd
>>>>>>>> Moving /usr/sbin/slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd.2.9.11
>>>>>>>> Copying slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd, making exectuable, and checking
>>>>>>>> for version 2.9.11
>>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Dec  3 2009 16:59:30
>>>>>>>> Version verified:    2.9.11
>>>>>>>> Read the slmodemd_Inst.txt
>>>>>>>> There is already installed a slmodemd of version:     2.9.11
>>>>>>>> There is a file /usr/sbin/slmodemd
>>>>>>>> Moving /usr/sbin/slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd.2.9.11
>>>>>>>> Copying slmodemd to /usr/sbin/slmodemd, making exectuable, and checking
>>>>>>>> for version 2.9.11
>>>>>>>> SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Dec  3 2009 16:59:30
>>>>>>>> Version verified:    2.9.11
>>>>>>>> Read the slmodemd_Inst.txt
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$
>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$
>>>>>>>> =======================
>>>>>>>> but if in this windows i write the slmodem command:
>>>>>>>> ======================
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$
>>>>>>>> slmodemd --alsa -c YOUR_COUNTRY modem:1 error: mixer setup: attach hw:1
>>>>>>>> error: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> ALSA lib conf.c:3952:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 1
>>>>>>>> ALSA lib pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM modem:1
>>>>>>>> error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'modem:1': Invalid argument
>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$
>>>>>>>> ======================
>>>>>>>> I receive this error....
>>>>>>>> and if i return in the other folder and i write...
>>>>>>>> ================
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21$ cd
>>>>>>>> /home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem
>>>>>>>> mantegazza@mantegazza-laptop:~/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem$
>>>>>>>> sudo su
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `modem:1': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>> make SUPPORT_ALSA=1
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `modem:1': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>> cp slmodemd /usr/sbin
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>  slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `modem:1': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>> ================
>>>>>>>> Have you got other ideas?
>>>>>>>> Claudio.
>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 11:17:52 +0200
>>>>>>>>> From: Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> CC: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx; discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
>>>>>>>>> marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy kernel
>>>>>>>>> 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>> Did you download the file again today within about one hour back from
>>>>>>>>> now?
>>>>>>>>> I ask because this would then be after I installed the file with alsa
>>>>>>>>> stuff included.
>>>>>>>>> Now, reading your report, I have a question about:
>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>> # slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>>> Did you give the wvdial command in the same window where you had given
>>>>>>>>> before the command slmodemd?
>>>>>>>>> If yes, then to give wvdial you must have stopped slmodemd with CTRL-C
>>>>>>>>> which would explain why wvdial did not find the file /dev/ttySL0 : this
>>>>>>>>> file exists ONLY while slmodemd is running.
>>>>>>>>> If my guess is correct, then remember to ALWAYS start wvdial IN AN OTHER
>>>>>>>>> FREE WINDOW, not the one where slmodemd runs.
>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>> Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I made again the command you told me and in this time i didn't receive
>>>>>>>>>> any errors....
>>>>>>>>>> Look at the command i wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> =========================
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> lsdp_dummy.c Makefile modem_comp.c modem_defs.h modem_main.o modem_test
>>>>>>>>>> sysdep_common.c
>>>>>>>>>> dp_dummy.o Makefile.20080401 modem_comp.o modem_dp.h modem.o
>>>>>>>>>> modem_test.c sysdep_common.o
>>>>>>>>>> dp_sinus.c modem_at.c modem_datafile.c modem_ec.c modem_pack.c
>>>>>>>>>> modem_test.o
>>>>>>>>>> dp_sinus.o modem_at.o modem_datafile.o modem_ec.o modem_pack.o
>>>>>>>>>> modem_timer.c
>>>>>>>>>> dsplibs.o modem.c modem_debug.c modem.h modem_param.c modem_timer.h
>>>>>>>>>> homolog_data.c modem_cmdline.c modem_debug.h modem_homolog.h
>>>>>>>>>> modem_param.h modem_timer.o
>>>>>>>>>> homolog_data.o modem_cmdline.o modem_debug.o modem_main.c modem_param.o
>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> modprobe snd-intel8x0m
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> aplay -l
>>>>>>>>>> **** Lista di PLAYBACK dispositivi hardware ****
>>>>>>>>>> scheda 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], dispositivo 0: Intel ICH
>>>>>>>>>> [Intel 82801DB-ICH4]
>>>>>>>>>> Sottoperiferiche: 1/1
>>>>>>>>>> Sottoperiferica #0: subdevice #0
>>>>>>>>>> scheda 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], dispositivo 4: Intel ICH -
>>>>>>>>>> IEC958 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958]
>>>>>>>>>> Sottoperiferiche: 1/1
>>>>>>>>>> Sottoperiferica #0: subdevice #0
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> # cp slmodemd /usr/sbin
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> # slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>>> root@mantegazza-laptop:/home/mantegazza/Scaricati/slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem#
>>>>>>>>>> wvdial
>>>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>> =========================
>>>>>>>>>> But i cannot be able to connect....
>>>>>>>>>> Claudio.
>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 14:14:59 -0600
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy
>>>>>>>>>>> kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>>> From: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> CC: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>>>> What happens when you try
>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd --alsa -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>> and try from the recently compiled slmodemd in
>>>>>>>>>>> slmodem-2.9.11-20090222/modem folder?
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio,
>>>>>>>>>>>> i'm very sorry but it didn't run...
>>>>>>>>>>>> i made all that you told me but at the last command:
>>>>>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>>>>>> # make SUPPORT_ALSA=1
>>>>>>>>>>>> rebuild profile...
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_main.o -c modem_main.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_main.c: In function ‘setup_stream’:
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_main.c:429: warning: ‘snd_pcm_sw_params_set_xfer_align’ is
>>>>>>>>>>>> deprecated (declared at /usr/include/alsa/pcm.h:1116)
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_cmdline.o -c modem_cmdline.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o modem.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> -c modem.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_datafile.o -c modem_datafile.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_at.o -c modem_at.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_timer.o -c modem_timer.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_pack.o -c modem_pack.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_ec.o -c modem_ec.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_comp.o -c modem_comp.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_param.o -c modem_param.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_debug.o -c modem_debug.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> homolog_data.o -c homolog_data.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> dp_sinus.o -c dp_sinus.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> dp_dummy.o -c dp_dummy.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> sysdep_common.o -c sysdep_common.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -o slmodemd modem_main.o modem_cmdline.o modem.o modem_datafile.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_at.o modem_timer.o modem_pack.o modem_ec.o modem_comp.o modem_param.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_debug.o homolog_data.o dp_sinus.o dp_dummy.o dsplibs.o sysdep_common.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/lib/
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -Wall -g -O -I. -DCONFIG_DEBUG_MODEM -DSUPPORT_ALSA=1 -o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_test.o -c modem_test.c
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_test.c: In function ‘modem_test_start’:
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_test.c:110: warning: ignoring return value of ‘write’, declared
>>>>>>>>>>>> with attribute warn_unused_result
>>>>>>>>>>>> gcc -o modem_test modem_test.o modem_cmdline.o modem.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_datafile.o modem_at.o modem_timer.o modem_pack.o modem_ec.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> modem_comp.o modem_param.o modem_debug.o homolog_data.o dp_sinus.o
>>>>>>>>>>>> dp_dummy.o dsplibs.o sysdep_common.o /usr/lib/
>>>>>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>>>>>> # cp slmodemd /usr/sbin
>>>>>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>>>>>> # slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>> error: mdm setup: cannot stat `modem:1': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>>>>>> # wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>> =========
>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems not like it...
>>>>>>>>>>>> And now?
>>>>>>>>>>>> what can i do?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio.
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...............................................................................................................
>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 07:11:57 -0600
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CC: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx; jacques.goldberg@xxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you want to build SLMODEMD on your own for your system, Please do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Copy it to your linux partition/working directory, untar it with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ tar -zxvf slmodem-2.9.11-20090222.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ cd slmodem-2.9.11-20090222
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ cd modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ make SUPPORT_ALSA=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as show in README
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Build application 'slmodemd' with ALSA support. For this in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodem-2.9.x dir:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ cd modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ make SUPPORT_ALSA=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ====================
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After this is successfull, then there will be a slmodemd file in that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> directory, copy it over to /usr/sbin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and try the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> command again and hopefully it works this time around.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that the "NO CARRIER" error shows up like it did for me with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.6.31.X kernels but slamr module.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/3/09, Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I untar the new one you sent me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i exec the command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # ./slmodemd --alsa -c ITALY modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA support is not compiled in (see README for howto).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now. how can i compile the ALSA support?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.s. i just installed the package libasound2-dev
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 14:18:11 -0500
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz, Re: Claudio, Italy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kernel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx; Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Used the attached SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.21.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the smartlink/ folder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because i didn't find which u told me... and this one is the last
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =======================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not Found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The requested URL /packages/smartlink/SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found on this server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =======================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe i don't understand something?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you tell me better where i can download the right file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give me the correct link....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 07:15:13 -0600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CC: discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I downloaded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but the install doesn't go: have a look...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mant@mant-laptop:~$ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY --alsa modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [sudo] password for mant:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: mixer setup: attach hw:1 error: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA lib conf.c:3952:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA lib pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'modem:1': Invalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argument
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why did you get the SLMODEMD_gcc4.4_alsa1.0.18.tar.gz?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If your alsa verion is 1.0.20?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===== Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) diagnostics =====
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA packages provide audio support and also drivers for some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA diagnostics are written during bootup to /proc/asound/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA verion is 1.0.20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem cards detected by "aplay -l" are: None
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-00: Intel ICH : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-01: Intel ICH - MIC ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-02: Intel ICH - MIC2 ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC2 ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-03: Intel ICH - ADC2 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - ADC2 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-04: Intel ICH - IEC958 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playback 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about /proc/asound/cards:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 [I82801DBICH4 ]: ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at irq 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===== Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) diagnostics =====
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA packages provide audio support and also drivers for some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA diagnostics are written during bootup to /proc/asound/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA verion is 1.0.20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem cards detected by "aplay -l" are: None
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-00: Intel ICH : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-01: Intel ICH - MIC ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-02: Intel ICH - MIC2 ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC2 ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-03: Intel ICH - ADC2 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - ADC2 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-04: Intel ICH - IEC958 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playback 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about /proc/asound/cards:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 [I82801DBICH4 ]: ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at irq 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===== Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) diagnostics =====
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA packages provide audio support and also drivers for some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA diagnostics are written during bootup to /proc/asound/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folders.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ALSA verion is 1.0.20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The modem cards detected by "aplay -l" are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scheda 1: Modem [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem], dispositivo 0: Intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modem [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem - Modem]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The /proc/asound/pcm file reports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-00: Intel ICH : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 : playback 1 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-01: Intel ICH - MIC ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-02: Intel ICH - MIC2 ADC : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - MIC2 ADC :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-03: Intel ICH - ADC2 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - ADC2 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00-04: Intel ICH - IEC958 : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958 :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playback 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 01-00: Intel ICH - Modem : Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem - Modem :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> playback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 : capture 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about /proc/asound/cards:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 [I82801DBICH4 ]: ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC202 at irq 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 [Modem ]: ICH-MODEM - Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem at irq 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have downloaded the recommended SLMODEMD: the package
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does the same thing happen?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/2/09, Claudio Mantegazza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I downloaded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but the install doesn't go: have a look...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mant@mant-laptop:~$ sudo slmodemd -c ITALY --alsa modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [sudo] password for mant:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: mixer setup: attach hw:1 error: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA lib conf.c:3952:(snd_config_expand) Unknown parameters 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALSA lib pcm.c:2211:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: alsa setup: cannot open playback device 'modem:1':
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invalid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argument
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error: cannot setup device `modem:1'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mant@mant-laptop:~/Scaricati$ wvdial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It doen't work!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the drivers doesn't load fine!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 07:10:24 -0600
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Claudio, Italy kernel 2.6.31-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: ermante@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CC: marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx; stephenpinker79@xxxxxxxxx;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Claudio,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanModem reports that your modem is supported via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For candidate modem in: 00:1f.6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0703 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Primary device ID: 8086:24c6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subsystem PCI_id 1631:d005
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Softmodem codec or chipset from diagnostics: SIL22, a Smartlink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Archives:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is a NEW softmodem case! Please send the output
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ModemData.txt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to DISCUSS@xxxxxxxxxxxxx to enrich the Archive and help others!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If further assistance is not needed, please use email Subject:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Case Only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Support type needed or chipset: slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) modem driver:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snd-intel8x0m
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provides Low Level support enabling contact with the modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hardware.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For all BUT Conexant chip soft modems (using hsfmodem software)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> complementary High Level support is through a Smartlink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> utility:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slmodemd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Download from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz having a compiled slmodemd.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under Linux with:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $ tar zxf SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and read instructions therein. But briefly, the modem is setup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sudo slmodemd -c YOUR_COUNTRY --alsa modem:1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reporting dynamic creation of ports:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /dev/ttySL0 --> /dev/pts/N , with N some number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Read DOCs/Smartlink.txt and Modem/DOCs/YourSystem.txt for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through guidance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have downloaded the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the above instructions and are not getting anywhere/(modem does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respond) it could be because of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For candidate card in slot 00:1f.6, firmware information and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bootup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diagnostics are:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PCI slot PCI ID SubsystemID Name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- --------- --------- --------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00:1f.6 8086:24c6 1631:d005 Modem: Intel Corporation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 82801DB/DBL/DBM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modem interrupt assignment and sharing:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5: 137 XT-PIC-XT yenta, Intel 82801DB-ICH4, Intel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 82801DB-ICH4 Modem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- Bootup diagnostics for card in PCI slot 00:1f.6 ----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.071472] pci 0000:00:1f.6: reg 10 io port: [0xe300-0xe3ff]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.071480] pci 0000:00:1f.6: reg 14 io port: [0xe400-0xe47f]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.071521] pci 0000:00:1f.6: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D3cold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.071525] pci 0000:00:1f.6: PME# disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.956536] serial 0000:00:1f.6: PCI INT B -> Link[LNKB] -> GSI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (level, low) -> IRQ 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 0.956547] serial 0000:00:1f.6: PCI INT B disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 3186.856643] Intel ICH Modem 0000:00:1f.6: PCI INT B ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link[LNKB]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -> GSI 5 (level, low) -> IRQ 5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ 3186.856669] Intel ICH Modem 0000:00:1f.6: setting latency
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timer to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The PCI slot 00:1f.6 of the modem card may be disabled early in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a bootup process, but then enabled later. If modem drivers load
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but the modem is not responsive, read DOCs/Bootup.txt about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Send dmesg.txt along with ModemData.txt to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if help is needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let us know if the package SLMODEMD.gcc4.4.tar.gz works or not,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the driver loads fine but does not respond, follow the above
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructions to see if it can work or not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Antonio
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