Re: ScanModem report - Bill Lowther, USA, kernal 2.6.28-15-generic

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     Wow!   I learned a lot from your last response.  Thanks.
     Yes, my first attempts were trying to fax .doc (created during my MS
days) and .jpg files.  It worked after I used OO.o Word Processor to convert
the .doc to .ps with "print to file", and I used OO.o Presentation ("open
existing presentation") to likewise convert the .jpg files to .ps w/ "print
to file".
     I take it then that the .pdf file was successfully transmitted because
it is a .ps based format?
     A couple questions -
                -my faxes transmitted at ~14kbps - is there an
"option/command" somewhere to increase this speed? 
                -I don't understand (even after reading the Help) how/why I
would use the "socket" fax entry method as opposed to the "file" method (
which I used for my recent tx).

Many thanks,

Jacques Goldberg wrote:
> Bill,
> Congratulations!
> However, unfortunately, I still did not get from you the file which 
> failed: was it PostScript or not?
> You can see that I was right, the problem was neither efax (nor efax in 
> gtk flavor) nor the modem.
> It **is** important to know if your failure was due to using a 
> non-postscript file or to a bug in GhostScript or in a PostScript level 
> incompatibility.
> You write: "In the efax-gtk Help section for "sending", it says "Before 
> sending afax,..........It must be in postscript format (a format 
> produced by all Unix/Linux word and document processors), and will be 
> converted by theprogram into the correct tiffg3 fax format."
> This information is misleading: didn't you just succeed sending PDF, not 
> PostScript ???????
> Now again, I repeat since you do not seem to have digested this. 
> GhostScript can take ONLY PostScript files as input, no kind of other 
> format. It renders out a large variety of formats matching a large 
> number of printers and displays including the TIFF format used by all 
> FAX machines. ONE input, a LOT of outputs to choose from.
> There is one thing which you must understand. Printers can only print 
> graphics material, actually matrices of dots, be they ink jet or laser 
> or whatever else. They do not have a mechanical typewriter in there. 
> Displays and FAX machines show exactly the same way.
> So, you CANNOT print a doc file or a xls file or etc.... without first 
> connverting it into graphics.
> I will assume that you are using OpenOffice to  create your doc,xls,etc 
> ...  files.
> NONE of the formats available when you "Save as" is graphics. To be able 
> to print or display or fax, you must
> convert the file. With displays OpenOffice does it automatically. To get 
> a printable file, it offers you the EXPORT command (which excellently 
> create a PDF graphucs file) or the PRINT TO FILE capability in the PRINT 
> command. PRINT TO FILE converts into PostScript. Otherwise when you want 
> to really print on real paper from
> OpenOffice, you have to select a printer and the "printer properties" 
> define what has to be done to build a graphics file matching a given 
> printer: almost always it will create a temporary PostScript file then 
> invoke GhostScript with
> the right "properties" matching the printer.
> I would not like to let any reader believe that there are no other ways 
> to convert graphics formats in Linux, nor that I am so ignorant as not 
> to know which. Any reasonable Linux distributions contains ImageMagick 
> which itself contains scores of converters, but  discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> is not the place to discuss such issues. GhostScript is no more than one 
> of those converters, converting POSTSCRIPT ONLY into PLENTY of formats 
> for printer engines.
> If you were trying to FAX a doc or an xls file, no wonder that 
> GhostScript bombed.
> But if you had converted your whatever file (doc, xls,...) into 
> PostScript, then there might be a bug in GhostScript.
> This is why I keep insisting to see the very file which you were trying 
> to fax out.
> The Ubuntu styled "bug report" which you earlier suggested to read 
> contains this gem:
> "Only by exporting the file in . Pdf and after putting it into another
> folder, you can proceed to the fax."
> The author of this gem seemingly expected non graphics to become 
> graphics by black magic without having  to "export" his FAX object.
> Not to speak about "another folder".
> I wish you can find better readings ....
> When I read such things, I ask myself if there is or not a bug 
> alltogether, except in the brain of the people who wrote about that 
> alleged efax bug in 
>  .
> Ubuntu style, that is.
> Accessorily misleading and driving mad the innocent readers of that 
> litterature.
> Jacques 
> A4Skyhawk wrote:
>> Jacques:
>>      Aha!  Success!  I am using efax-gtk in Ubuntu 9.04, and in
>> File/Settings/View I changed the postscript viewer program from 'gv' to
>> 'evince', so now when I use the file selection dialog to browse for the
>> file
>> to be faxed, then select it, then press "view", the document viewer will
>> display the file -- but only if it is a .pdf or .jpg (the only 2 that
>> have
>> worked for me so far), and NOT if it is .doc or .xls.  So I selected a
>> .pdf
>> file to fax, and it was successfully transmitted & received at the
>> destination phone number.  Praise all progress!
>>      In the efax-gtk Help section for "sending", it says "Before sending
>> a
>> fax,..........It must be in postscript format (a format produced by all
>> Unix/Linux word and document processors), and will be converted by the
>> program into the correct tiffg3 fax format."
>>      So what does this mean (I am still new -2 months -to the  Linux OS,
>> after many years using MS)?   Does Ghostscript handle only certain file
>> types?  What types can be "translated" by Ghostscript?  How are other
>> file
>> types converted into acceptable types?  
>>      Re your request for my command line info, I haven't gotten any
>> further
>> than $ sudo wvdial.  I would prefer using the efax-gtk program than using
>> the command line approach (probably because I am very inexperienced at it
>> --
>> for example, I am still confused by what phone number needs to be put
>> into
>> the .conf file!).
>> TIA,
>> Bill 
>> Jacques Goldberg wrote:
>>> Dear Bill,
>>> May I kindly repeat my suggestion in my former mail?
>>> Could you please send me the file which you are trying to FAX, the exact 
>>> copy of what you type as a command, and the exact and complete error 
>>> message which you get?
>>> In your mail I only see: GPL Ghostscript 8.64: Unrecoveraable error, 
>>> exit code 1.
>>> But, although I answered many mails today, I believe that you earlier 
>>> quoted something more useful like
>>> the file not being a PostScript file.
>>> GhostScript is a program which converts the contents of a PostScript 
>>> file into matrices of points which can primarily
>>> be printed, point by point, by a very large number of printers (with a 
>>> dedicated driver for each model of printer), and accessorily do it as 
>>> well to "print" on a display (one names this a "preview"). One of the 
>>> output formats within
>>> GhostScript is TIFF which is the only one which is understood by FAX 
>>> hardware on a phone line.
>>> So if the message which occurs to you is indeed GPL Ghostscript 8.64: 
>>> Unrecoveraable error, exit code 1., then the problem is
>>> -definitely not with the modem
>>> -definitely not with efax / efax-gtk software which just INVOKES
>>> GhostScript
>>> -quite possibly that the file which you try to FAX out is NOT a 
>>> PostScript file
>>> -quite possibly, if the file is indeed a PostScript file, that there is 
>>> a bug in GhostScript, NOT IN EFAX
>>> -quite possibly, an incompatibility of PostScript definition level 
>>> (there exist 3: level 1, level 2, level 3) between
>>> GhostScript version 8.64 and the software (which software? A  word 
>>> processor perhaps, or a maths application generating PostScript 
>>> graphics) which has been used to create the file which you are trying to 
>>> FAX out.
>>> This is why, I repeat, while the Ubuntu crap discussion is (almost) 
>>> useless, I need to have your file, the command which fails, and the 
>>> exact and complete failure messages visible on your screen.
>>> I just wrote "almost useless" because there is one valuable information 
>>> in the crap: The "bug" disappears when the output of the word processor 
>>> is set to come in PDF format. Not surprising,  PDF is displayed among 
>>> others by Acroread, not by GhostScript. The value of this info is to 
>>> hopefully convince you that the problem is NOT with
>>> efax/efax-gtk nor with the modem.
>>> Best regards
>>> Jacques
>>> A4Skyhawk wrote:
>>>> Jasques/Marvin:
>>>>      Thank you for explaining and clarifying the meaning of the
>>>> "AT..../Not
>>>> supported" report.
>>>>      And sage advice re reading the manual.  I am doing that now.
>>>>      In the mean time, I found this bug report --
>>>> This is exactly the problem that I experience when I try to fax using
>>>> the
>>>> efax-gtk program from Ubuntu 9.04.  
>>>> Bill   
>>>> Jacques Goldberg wrote:
>>>>> No Bill, this does not indicate any further problem.
>>>>> You have asked the Vista device manager what your modem can do.
>>>>> The Vista device manager replied that the modem is not able to handle 
>>>>> CALLER ID (using this command; there
>>>>> are other ways, see
>>>>> If I understood correctly, you are trying to send a FAX, not to enable 
>>>>> or disable Caller ID, so this is NOT another problem at this time, nor 
>>>>> will it if you want some day to  enable/disable caller ID when the
>>>>> modem 
>>>>> is set to automatically receive faxes: the modem cannot do it. This is 
>>>>> not a problem, this is a feature.
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>> A4Skyhawk wrote:
>>>>>> Marvin:
>>>>>>      When I "query" the modem from Win Vista/Device Mgr (I have a
>>>>>> separate
>>>>>> partition for WinVista), all responses look OK (to my inexperienced
>>>>>> eye),
>>>>>> except for command "AT#CLS=?", for which the Device Mgr reports
>>>>>> "Command
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> supported".  
>>>>>>      Does this indicate another problem?
>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>> Bill Lowther
>>>>>> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>>>>>>> To setup the modem in the future, it should suffice to just:
>>>>>>> $ sudo modprobe agrserial
>>>>>>> Then after once following Jacques guidance below,
>>>>>>> again try dialout with:
>>>>>>> $ sudo wvdial
>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Jacques Goldberg
>>>>>>> <Jacques.Goldberg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>>>> You simply did not understand S6 which is possibly not sufficiently
>>>>>>>> explicit.
>>>>>>>> Edit    wvdial.conf as shown
>>>>>>>> Find the following lines:
>>>>>>>> ; Phone = ISDN = 0
>>>>>>>> ; Username = Init1 = ATZ
>>>>>>>> ; Password =
>>>>>>>> Remove the three semicolons
>>>>>>>> Insert your ISP phone number after the first equal sign as in
>>>>>>>> Phone = 111222333
>>>>>>>> and do the same for the Username and Password given to you by your
>>>>>>>> ISP
>>>>>>>> Jacques
>>>>>>>> A4Skyhawk wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   Marvin:
>>>>>>>>>     Here is what you suggested (S#), followed by what I did and
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> results
>>>>>>>>> I got (R#):
>>>>>>>>> S1) First best to complete general support for dialout with the
>>>>>>>>> at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>> Unpack under Linux with: $ unzip wvial*.zip
>>>>>>>>> Move into the new folder: $ cd   wvdial_jaunty_i386
>>>>>>>>> $ ls and install with: $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>> R1) I looked at the packages available in the Synaptic Package
>>>>>>>>> Manager
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> saw "wvdial" and I installed it (v 1.60.1+nmu2 (jaunty)).  I could
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> determine the version of
>>>>>>>>> the wvdial file at the linmodem url above, so please let me know
>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>> still proceed as you suggested.
>>>>>>>>> S2) Next best get the general driver update automation provided by
>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>> dkms  R2) This paackage was already intalled on my system.
>>>>>>>>> S3) Then from
>>>>>>>>> agrsm-tools_0.0.1_all.deb
>>>>>>>>> R3) I did the above.
>>>>>>>>> S4) If not run automatically, after these installations run; $
>>>>>>>>> sudo
>>>>>>>>> agrsm-test
>>>>>>>>> R4) I did the above.  Report shown below:
>>>>>>>>> Loading drivers:
>>>>>>>>> Drivers loaded:
>>>>>>>>> agrserial              19808  0 agrmodem             1340932  1
>>>>>>>>> and symbolic link created:
>>>>>>>>> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2009-10-10 21:39 /dev/ttySAGR ->
>>>>>>>>> /dev/ttyAGS3
>>>>>>>>> Checking for utility wvdialconf
>>>>>>>>> Found /usr/bin/wvdialconf, preparing to run:
>>>>>>>>>        wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>> A file /etc/wvdial.conf already exists, first renaming to
>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.200910103910
>>>>>>>>> Modem Port Scan<*1>: S0   S1   S2   S3   ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 Z -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Modem Identifier: ATI -- Agere SoftModem Version
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 4800: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 9600: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 19200: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 38400: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 57600: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Speed 115200: AT -- OK
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: Max speed is 115200; that should be safe.
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf<Warn>: Can't open '/etc/wvdial.conf' for reading:
>>>>>>>>> No
>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>> file or directory
>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf<Warn>: ...starting with blank configuration.
>>>>>>>>> ttySAGR<Info>: Speed 115200; init "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2
>>>>>>>>> +FCLASS=0"
>>>>>>>>> Found a modem on /dev/ttySAGR.
>>>>>>>>> Modem detection successful
>>>>>>>>> Read wdial.txt
>>>>>>>>> Then edit /etc/wvdial.conf  with:   sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>> at the lines beginning with ; and deleting the ; < >  "
>>>>>>>>> Then try a dialout with:    sudo wvdial
>>>>>>>>> *************************************************************************
>>>>>>>>> S5) from the above txt - Read wdial.txt
>>>>>>>>> R5) I could not read "wdial.txt" as I could not find it.
>>>>>>>>> S6) from the above txt - Then edit /etc/wvdial.conf  with:   sudo
>>>>>>>>> gedit
>>>>>>>>> /etc/wvdial.conf
>>>>>>>>> at the lines beginning with ; and deleting the ; < >  "
>>>>>>>>> R6) I did the above and left the line blank, so the .conf looks
>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>> [Dialer Defaults]
>>>>>>>>> Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>>>>>>>>> Modem Type = Analog Modem
>>>>>>>>> ; Phone = ISDN = 0
>>>>>>>>> ; Username = Init1 = ATZ
>>>>>>>>> ; Password = Modem = /dev/ttySAGR
>>>>>>>>> Baud = 115200
>>>>>>>>> S7) Then try a dialout with:    sudo wvdial
>>>>>>>>> R7) I get the following
>>>>>>>>> :~$ sudo wvdial
>>>>>>>>> --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
>>>>>>>>> --> Initializing modem.
>>>>>>>>> --> Sending: ATZ
>>>>>>>>> ATZ
>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>> --> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>>>>>>>>> ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
>>>>>>>>> OK
>>>>>>>>> --> Modem initialized.
>>>>>>>>> --> Configuration does not specify a valid phone number.
>>>>>>>>> --> Configuration does not specify a valid login name.
>>>>>>>>> --> Configuration does not specify a valid password
>>>>>>>>> ***********************************************************************
>>>>>>>>> I have disabled "Play alerts and sound affects" in Sound.
>>>>>>>>> What is my next step?  Should I download efax and efax-gtk?
>>>>>>>>> TIA,
>>>>>>>>> Bill Lowther
>>>>>>>>> Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Bill,
>>>>>>>>>> If fax is not functional under Microsoft, likely it will not be
>>>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>>>> Linux either.
>>>>>>>>>> Many of the cheap consumer Winmodems are not Fax competent.  If
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> need robust fax service,
>>>>>>>>>> best purchase a Controller Chipset (hardware) modem.  Read the
>>>>>>>>>> InfoGeneral.txt for details.
>>>>>>>>>> for more ordinary dialout services with your:
>>>>>>>>>> Communication controller: Agere Systems Device 0620"
>>>>>>>>>> CLASS=0780
>>>>>>>>>> PCIDEV=11c1:0620
>>>>>>>>>> SUBSYS=11c1:0620
>>>>>>>>>> IRQ=5
>>>>>>>>>> IDENT=agrsm
>>>>>>>>>> Under CPU=i686,  Ubuntu Linux version 2.6.28-15-generic
>>>>>>>>>> First best to complete general support for dialout with the
>>>>>>>>>> at the bottom of
>>>>>>>>>> Unpack under Linux with:
>>>>>>>>>> $ unzip wvial*.zip
>>>>>>>>>> Move into the new folder:
>>>>>>>>>> $ cd   wvdial_jaunty_i386
>>>>>>>>>> $ ls
>>>>>>>>>> and install with:
>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>> Next best get the general driver update automation provided by
>>>>>>>>>> package
>>>>>>>>>> dkms:
>>>>>>>>>> Then from 
>>>>>>>>>> agrsm-tools_0.0.1_all.deb
>>>>>>>>>>  agrsm06pci_2.1.80~20090825_i386.deb
>>>>>>>>>> In a common folder with the dkms and these to packages,
>>>>>>>>>> all can be co-installed with:
>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>>>>>>>>>> If not run automatically, after these installations run;
>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo agrsm-test
>>>>>>>>>> Write back to the List (not me directly) if further help is
>>>>>>>>>> needed.
>>>>>>>>>> Sometimes it is necessary to disable Sound (pulseaudio) to
>>>>>>>>>> achieve
>>>>>>>>>> service with this modem and the agrsm software, see below.
>>>>>>>>>> MarvS
>>>>>>>>>> ===========
>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>> From: Jan Groenewald <jan@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:33 PM
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Jan, South Africa, 2.6.27-7-generic, Agere on Jaunty
>>>>>>>>>> To: Marvin Stodolsky <marvin.stodolsky@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 10:48:23AM -0400, Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> You can't blacklist snd-hda-intel as the agrsm drivers depend on
>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>> for 11c11040 chips
>>>>>>>>>> Try:
>>>>>>>>>> $ sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop
>>>>>>>>>> before the modem tests.
>>>>>>>>>> OK, it tries to dial. \o/
>>>>>>>>>> /etc/init.d/pulseadio {stop,force-stop} does not work;
>>>>>>>>>> says pulseaudio configured on a per user session basis.
>>>>>>>>>> I had to use some methods in
>>>>>>>>>> sudo mv /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio /root/
>>>>>>>>>> sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove
>>>>>>>>>> asoundconf unset-pulseaudio
>>>>>>>>>> /etc/pulse/client.conf:autospawn = no
>>>>>>>>>> System > Preferences > Sound >> all set to pulse (I will
>>>>>>>>>> later try to enable Alsa while using the modem; this way
>>>>>>>>>> it is all off; jaunty with intrepid kernel.)
>>>>>>>>>> Attached some files. I think I need to check with the owner
>>>>>>>>>> of the account on the username/password again, the username
>>>>>>>>>> looked funny with two @ signs in it, but they reassured me
>>>>>>>>>> that is what the provider told them.
>>>>>>>>>> I use gnome-ppp for a user in the dialout and dip groups.
>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Bill <donnabill22@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Sir/Madam:
>>>>>>>>>>>    I recently purchase a new eMachine computer (model
>>>>>>>>>>> #ET1161-05),
>>>>>>>>>>> with Windows Vista Home Basic included.  I have installed Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>>> 9.04
>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>> one partition of the hard drive and kept the Windows on another
>>>>>>>>>>> partition.  Vista Home Basic does not support faxing operation,
>>>>>>>>>>> however,
>>>>>>>>>>> there is a modem that is detected by Device Manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>    I have run the scanModem program.  The attached report
>>>>>>>>>>> confirms
>>>>>>>>>>> that there is an Agere modem on board.  At this point I am
>>>>>>>>>>> confused
>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>> to whether or not it can be used in a Linux system.  Your
>>>>>>>>>>> assistance
>>>>>>>>>>> would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>       In the event that the Agere modem cannot be used, or if
>>>>>>>>>>> modifying
>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>> would be beyond my abilities (this is my first experience with
>>>>>>>>>>> Linux
>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>> all previous computers had Windows), what would you recommend
>>>>>>>>>>> regarding
>>>>>>>>>>> new modem/driver purchase/installation?
>>>>>>>>>>>       I am in the USA.
>>>>>>>>>>>       TIA,
>>>>>>>>>>>       Bill Lowther

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