Marvin Stodolsky wrote:
such as
# slmodemd --country=USA --alsa hw:1 &
is the correct syntax for running a COMMAND in the background, while
again getting the command prompt back. This causes problems on a
minority of systems.
Just test if it is OK on yours. To stop slmodemd, first FOREGROUND (fg)
# fg slmodemd
Then you will be able to stop with:
# Ctrl C
The simplest way to automate is to install the Debian package sl-modem-daemon
If should manage bootup loading of the snd-intel8x0m and
slmodemd --country=USA --alsa hw:1
But this will overwrite your current slmodemd, version 2.9.11, with an
older version 2.9.9e. So just again copy the slmodemd from the
SLMODEMD package back:
# cp slmodemd /usr/sbin/slmodemd
# chmod +x /usr/sbin/slmodemd
and check the version with
# slmodemd --version
You may have to edit /etc/default/sl-modem-daemon to specify usage of
snd-intel8x0m rather than slamr.
To enable an ordinary User to use any dialout tool.
$ chmod a+x /usr/sbin/pppd
I tried that and still I have to be root to launch slmodemd and
R40:/home/ellsworth# ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root dip 265880 2005-03-24 14:21 /usr/sbin/pppd
If I try to launch slmodemd as a user, here's the response:
ellsworth@R40:~$ slmodem --country=USA --alsa hw:1
bash: slmodem: command not found
If I try to launch wvdial as a user, once I've launched (as root)
ellsworth@R40:~$ wvdial
--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.54.0
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: Permission denied
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: Permission denied
--> Cannot open /dev/ttySL0: Permission denied
I suppose wvdial is responding that way because slmodemd has been
launched by root.
Here are the relevant permissions:
ellsworth@R40:~$ ls -l /etc/wvdial.conf
-rw-r----- 1 root dialout 247 2008-07-01 08:17 /etc/wvdial.conf
ellsworth@R40:~$ ls -l /usr/sbin/slmodemd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1284201 2008-06-24 10:16 /usr/sbin/slmodemd
ellsworth@R40:~$ ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root dip 265880 2005-03-24 14:21 /usr/sbin/pppd
wvdial.conf has the same permissions as on my desktop machine
(hardmodem) and on my other laptop partition (Knoppix) set up for
a pcmcia card modem.
What else should I try?
Should some 2nd dialout attempt fail, do (with root permission)
# /etc/init.d/sl-modem-daemon restart
which will stop slmodemd, unload the driver, reload the driver, and
again do the slmodemd setup.
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:58 PM, postid <postid@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How can I get slmodemd and wvdial to launch for a regular user
rather than root? I tried putting /etc/wvdial.conf and
/usr/sbin/slmodemd in the dialout group, but they still only work for root.
The other files' permissions were correct when I was using a pcmcia modem a
month ago. What am I missing here?
Also, I understand that "&" causes slmodem to work in the
background so the console can be used for something else -- like running
wvdial. Where must I put the & in order to have it work in my case? After
slmodemd or at the end of the command string?
# slmodemd & --country=USA --alsa hw:1
# slmodemd --country=USA --alsa hw:1 &
I just tried one of those options and had my GUI hang (probably not related,
but . . .), so I hesitate to experiment again.
Once I'm able to dial in as a user other than root, I think I'll be quite
satisfied. Thanks for your patience and your willingness to share your
knowledge and time.