A good tool that I use to graoh things is netmrg, www.netmrg.net
Rene Gallati wrote:
le Grange wrote:
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 14:20, Roy wrote:
MRTG can only show interface load, basicaly
it is the graphic representation
of what you will see with ifconfig.
For more advanced graph you need to use another software than mrtg.
MRTG can graph any variable that you can read using SNMP. The problem
getting the tc stats readable using SNMP, that's the trick bit (which
far as I've seen can't be done, but I hope I'm wrong).
MRTG doesn't necessarily need SNMP, you can feed it ANY value via a
perl script. I've been doing it for ages. You just need to get at the
values (peridoic tc -s qdisc show, parse it, feed mrtg)
>From :
"External Monitoring Scripts
If you want to monitor something which does not provide data via
snmp you can use some external program to do the data gathering.
The external command must return 4 lines of output:
Line 1
current state of the first variable, normally 'incoming bytes
Line 2
current state of the second variable, normally 'outgoing bytes
Line 3
string (in any human readable format), telling the uptime of the
Line 4
string, telling the name of the target.
Depending on the type of data your script returns you might want to use
the 'gauge' or 'absolute' arguments for the Options keyword.
Target[ezwf]: `/usr/local/bin/df2mrtg /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0`
Note the use of the backticks (`), not apostrophes (') around the
If you want to use a backtick in the command name this can be done but
you must escape it with a backslash ...
If your script does not have any data to return but does not want mrtg
to complain about invalid data, it can return 'UNKNOWN' instead of a
number. Note though that only rrdtool is realy equipped to handle
unknown data well.
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Alessandro Ren
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