Hi all, Yesterday I got the tip about depmod -a but that didn't work: lots of undefined symbols and other stuff. I decided to code the entire QOS stuff directly in the kernel and now it works! I had some problems with the example of the iproute-2.4 page but that was because I mixed the 'prio' in the tc filter statement. I found out that when the high prio belongs to the 'low-bandwidth' class, this doesn't seem to work. I then started deleting parts of the configuration and somewhere down the line it worked! After I changed the prio-order in the tc filter statement things worked like I expected they should work. As soon as I get some time, I hope to go on with the examples in combination with the firewall-rules to give higher priority to ssh traffic and so on. By the way, are there people here who have also played with the ingres policer qdisc? And what tools do you use to monitor the network-load? I am currently running XCounter 1.0.3 but in my research on the web about traffic-shaping I have seen some very impressive graphs with the different QOS'ses (but I believe that was for FreeBSD). I would already be pleased with a tool that displays a graph over a period of time (like Perfmon in Windows NT). Thanks again for your time, Clemens Sibon