Am 17.10.2023 12:09, schrieb René J.V. Bertin: Hi René,
*Something* launches `startkde`. On my legacy KUbuntu system that's `upstart`, and this keeps a logfile that contains all the terminal output of applications launched through the GUI. I don't know what service Debian 11 uses to bootstrap the desktop environment but my bet is that it must leave a logfile somewhere.
I suppose, it will be started von SDDM or something other launched by SDDM... But, as I said, I didn't found any log file... I don't know which name it could be have, anyway...
If not, there is always the possibility to rename the ksmserver binary to ksmserver.bin (or something like that) and put a shell script at its place that launches this renamed binary and redirects all output to file.
That could be an idea... I'll try this evening...
But have you checked if ksmserver exists on your system and that `ksmserver --help` executes OK?
It will be executed without problem... I forgot to say, that sometimes I have the problem, sometimes not... Thanks Luca Bertoncello (lucabert@xxxxxxxxxxx)