Re: general questions about cyrus

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Am 03.03.2025 um 12:57:34 Uhr schrieb Dr. Thorsten Brandau via Info:

> >>>> - - alternatively getting group-e to work with cyrus 3.10 (it can
> >>>> only be configured to cyrus 2.4)  
> >>> What doesn't work and what changed in Cyrus that broke it?  
> >> - Only INBOX is show, including TRASH/SENT/DRAFT but no other
> >> folder of that account  
> > Looks like it doesn't subscribe to the other folders.  
> It cannot even access them. With Cyrus 2.4/2.5 it worked well, but no 
> just nothing, nada, empty.
> > Is that maybe an ACL error (check lm <mailbox> in cyradm)?  
> Accessible for all (needed to be sure that there are no ACL in the
> way). Still have to roll that back to the real access right but
> handling with on the CLI with cyradm is rather painful.

Run in cyradm
::1> lam user.<mailbox>
xyz lrswipkxtecdan

and check the results.

> >> - Auto-replys cannot be configured (time out)
> >> - Server-side filters cannot be configures (time out)  
> > Is Sieve reachable?  
> Yes, I can access it via Telnet without problem.

Use a sniffer and check what kind of traffic occurs to track down the

> > This is the stuff I learned from. Which topics are missing?
> >  
> Probably nothing. As an unfrequent admin that operates the mail
> server in the background of a SME with a couple of dozend users, it
> is difficult to use the man page as it likely means that looking up
> every time for a new user the commands. Also, a number of needed
> steps are not shows, e.g. Saslpasswd2, local user account etc.
> without any creation with cyradm does not work (here).

Ok, ask more specific questions, so I can assist. I run it at home on
Debian with PAM login.


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