general questions about cyrus

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I was using cyrus-imapd 2.2 and 2.4 for many years with mainly SuSe Linux up to Leap 15.2. Then for some reasons, i had to setup a new email server and found that cyrus is not supported, not even offered in the repositories anymore. After a longer search, i had to use manjaro/arch with the arch repositories to get cyrus (3.10) up and running.
What makes things more complicated, that my groupware does not like to communicate with cyrus (group-e from endo7), especially not with the included sieve which affects us seriously (no automatic replys configureable)

So much for the background. So I wonder why all of a sudden (from my perspective) cyrus was removed from so many distributions and what kind of impact that has on out long term planning. My understanding was always cyrus being a long term scalable system and dovecot more the homebrew one, but it seems vice versa now?

Coming back to my other problem, simply speaking i would like to understand

- - if there is a way to setup vacation noticed/automatic reply with cyrus and thunderbird
- - alternatively having a simple webfrontent to configure it
- - alternatively getting usermin to work with cyrus/sieve/spamassassin (did not manage so far)
- - alternatively getting group-e to work with cyrus 3.10 (it can only be configured to cyrus 2.4)
- - altetnatively a recommendation for a groupeware that works with cyrus (egroupware lacks a number of features of group-e but is the closes so far, still not fully compatible with cyrus 3.10 as it seems)

Last but not least I am lookkng for an administration/user admin tool for cyrus (group-e did that well) and did not find anything aside from cli yet

A lot of questions, which at last I was not able to answer from documentation, which at last made me replacing the mailserver in just 3 days hard labor.

- --
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Sincerely Yours/Avec mes meilleurs salutations/Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu

Dr. Thorsten Brandau
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