Re: general questions about cyrus

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Michael Menge schrieb am 03.03.25 um 11:37:

Quoting "Dr. Thorsten Brandau via Info" <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


there where many changes between Cyrus 2.4 and Cyrus 3.10 that could be the
root of the problem. Just to mention a few.

- Sieve Port changed
  Port 2000 (old convention)
  Port 4190 RFC 5804

I changed that but no effect. Still get a timeout.

is cyrus/sieve listening on that port? Check cyrus.conf and "netsat -tulpen"
Can you connect form the cyrus server with sieveshell?

Yes, I can connect via telnet to that port without problems.

Sieve also gets a timeout with egroupware (which I considered an alternative). As egroupware wants dovecot officially, that might be the reason.

The default values for "unixhierarchysep:" and "altnamespace:" have changed (see man imapd.conf) This could impact both the webmail and admin function for Group-e if it is hardcoded or a manual configuration and not automatically

Look there, after changing the "delimiter" setting in Group-e from "." to "/" I was able to see the postboxes again.

In the admin, the I can see the main postboxes, but no sufolders andmore. I can however see them in my "email" and also see that they are synced and subscribed. Not seen in the overview, though. That might be a problem of group-e as the altnamespace has changed... I will see if I can get in the code to fix that.

Thank you for your help


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