Quoting "Dr. Thorsten Brandau via Info" <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hithere where many changes between Cyrus 2.4 and Cyrus 3.10 that could be the root of the problem. Just to mention a few. - Sieve Port changed Port 2000 (old convention) Port 4190 RFC 5804I changed that but no effect. Still get a timeout.
is cyrus/sieve listening on that port? Check cyrus.conf and "netsat -tulpen" Can you connect form the cyrus server with sieveshell?
Check that group-e and Cyrus are using the same Port - all Authentication with unencrypted Passworde (e.g. PLAIN and LOGIN) will require an encrypted connection SSL/TLS or STARTTLSDoes group-e use an encrypted connection? Did you check the Cert verificationYes.I get "INBOX" and the folders below, however, no other folder in that account and no shared folders at all. Please note that it works without problems with Thunderbird, but not in Group-EI don't know group-e, But if it was able to work with cyrus 2.4 it should also work with newer version of cyrus.Unfortunately it does not seem so. I seems not to be able to do any admin works (create, change, modify etc.)
The default values for "unixhierarchysep:" and "altnamespace:" have changed (see man imapd.conf) This could impact both the webmail and admin function for Group-e if it is hardcoded or a manual configuration and not automatically detected. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Menge Tel.: (49) 7071 / 29-70316 Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071 / 29-5912Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.menge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wächterstraße 76 72074 Tübingen
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