Jordi, With all due respect, the decision was not “arbitrary.” As has been explained repeatedly, the cancellation was more of a “side-effect” of Covid19 rather than a major concern about the health risk of our attendees. This “side-effect” was explained in the announcement: "This decision is based on input we gathered from Working Group (WG) and Research Group (RG) chairs about our ability to hold productive WG and RG sessions at IETF 107. Our assessment of this feedback is that a majority of sessions would not be viable if we were to hold the in-person IETF meeting. On this basis, we believe we cannot hold an effective in-person meeting.” Ole > On 11 Mar 2020, at 08:17, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <> wrote: > > I hope we don't get so crazy with Covid19 so we keep it going against our freedom so many months. > > It took me 20 years to get IETF in Madrid! I should sue the virus itself! > > Seriously, I still got doctors from the neighborhood that keep telling me that as closer we are to the summer, smaller are the chances of the virus to resist and propagate. > > If the situation is bad, I hope this time we don't take an arbitrary decision and we decide based on the local government decisions. > > Regards, > Jordi > @jordipalet > > Ole J. Jacobsen Editor and Publisher The Internet Protocol Journal Office: +1 415-550-9433 Cell: +1 415-370-4628 Web: E-mail: olejacobsen@xxxxxx E-mail: ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Skype: organdemo