On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 4:55 PM Scott Weeks <surfer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > --- shyamb1966@xxxxxxxxx wrote: > From: Shyamaprasad Bandyopadhyay <shyamb1966@xxxxxxxxx> > > I should have been little more careful. > I saw the upper part of the graph crossing > 800000 mark. I thought that might > be the current state. Well, it may be > somewhere in between 700000 & > 800000, but not very much away from the > 800000 mark. > ------------------------------------------------ > > > > Just as an FYI... > > Telia at 11am 9/4/2019 HST (-10 GMT): 756902 > > scott > .... and averaging across all Route Views collectors that are sending what could be considered full tables[0], we get 758108... but this isn't actually a useful metric - it doesn't reflect, well, anything... More useful are the metrics are the "Active BGP Entries" graphs like https://bgp.potaroo.net/as6447/ But, then again, this also isn't really a particularly useful metric -- a more useful metric is "Does the total number of routes *that I need* actually fit in the equipment *that I actually have*" - anything else is just counting angels on a pin. Yes, I'd like it if my cisco AGS+ could still take multiple full feeds, but then again I'd also like it if my Commodore 64[1] could stream 4K Netflix -- the world has changed, and tables grow, etc. W [0]: sshpass -p rviews ssh rviews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "show ip bgp sum" | awk '/Neighbor/{f=1}f' | awk '{print $10}' | egrep '^\d{6}' | egrep '^[678]' | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;cnt=0} ; {sum+=$1;cnt++} END {print sum/cnt}' [0]: Actually ZX Spectrum, but very few people know what those are... -- I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad idea in the first place. This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair of pants. ---maf