Hi - John's note makes a lot of
different very good points, and he does note that some could be
made on one of the other threads. I've extracted a few points
that are particularly germane to the SOW thread primarily for
emphasis and added ellipsis to shrink some of those hopefully
without changing meaning. I recommend all of you read John's
original post - but if you don't have the time, this at least
attempts to pull out points that frame the role of the RSE and the
depth of the problem we're going to have finding a new one.
On 7/16/2019 10:38 AM, John C Klensin
Instead, this is a strategic leadership and management role. In
retrospect, maybe we would have less confusion about, e.g., copy
editing, if we had called the position "RFC Series Publisher"
when we made up the "RSE" title, but, given how few people seem
to understand what a publisher actually does, maybe it would
have made no difference.
If the RSOC and IAB are looking for someone who will quietly do
the job, follow their lead about strategy directions, and not
try to educate (and, if necessary, push back based on greater
specialist expertise, then they are making a really fundamental
change in the role.
- Olaf obviously had a great deal of IETF
experience....However, he did not ... have the
depth of technical and standards publishing,and
publishing strategy, experience ... I think it was very
important ... that he did have an RSOC that contained
multiple people with at least significant pieces of those
types of experience. That RSOC saw its mission much
more in terms of supporting him and helping him succeed in
the role -- including giving advise on the strategic
issues to which he was happy to listen-- than as "oversight"
supervision or evaluation of contractual compliance.
More generally, putting someone into the RSE role --either
"acting" or semi-permanently -- who has good community
experience and relationships, little or no strategic publication
leadership perspective and experience, and without the support
of in-depth expertise in the RSOC (or some other arrangement to
which a supportive RSOC is prepared to defer in matters of
expertise) is a recipe for disaster... or at least major changes
in the character of the Series whether intentional or not and
whether reflecting community consensus or not.