Read this text. Tell me what part of it you do not understand regarding nodes THAT DO NOT SUPPORT an option (if “skipping over” isn’t not supported, then what is it?): The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
highest-order 2 bits specify the action that must be taken if the
processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type: 00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header. ** 01 - discard the packet. ** 10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type. ** 11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.
The conflict is in the issue of “not supported”. Skipping over headers means they’re not supported, but it’s not possible to “NOT SUPPORT” them two different ways - one silent, one that *requires* action. Joe |