Dave, how would it complicate the negotiation process to simply say "we are considering the following cities for future IETFs: does anybody know of an issue that they want to raise with any of these?" We don't have to say when, or how definite. It's hard to see how this would cause problems--can you explain?Exactly. Singapore may be a special case because it is a "city=country" one but, other than Luxembourg, there are relatively few others of those that are likely candidates for discussion. Not that it adds particularly much to the discussion at hand, but would you please note that the country of Luxembourg has 2,586.4 km2 / 998 sq mi surface, while the city of Luxembourg is just one out of multiple cities in the country. If you are looking for area surface matches between a country and its (only) city, you may rather want to look in the general direction of the country Monacco and its city Monte Carlo (different name, same thing - how's that for a special case!). (Now waiting for someone from Monacco to correct me about my ignorance of throwing both into one bowl) Greetings, Stefan Winter I'm not suggesting supplying padding, but I assume that there are multiple places that might be considered in any of those regions (and even countries between them) and identifying a list of them and asking the question Ted suggests should not be an issue. I also can't imagine why doing that would get in the way of negotiations, at least unless the process has turned into "let's go to Timbuktu, now let's start negotiating with hotels there". Independent of other issues with that city, I'd suggest that, if the model comes down to that, we'd be in bad trouble for other reasons, so I assume it hasn't. It would be better if cities were eliminated before a call for proposals was issued but, even if one were issued that included several cities, I don't see huge problems if some candidate venues were eliminated because we decided their cities or countries were off-limits: it would really be no different from a solicitation and contracting standpoint than eliminating one because our preliminary investigations concluded that adequate connectivity was impossible for that city....john |
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