On 11/07/2015 07:35 AM, Adrian Farrel wrote:
Without pointing fingers at you, Keith, I want to observe that I've heard your comment from a number of
RFC quality (at least for the topics I care about) seems to have
dropped considerably.
If you care about the topics and you care about the quality of the RFCs, there is something (that I think is) obvious you can do about it: participate in the development and review of the documents.
Of course, everyone is really busy, but someone has to do the work.
I am indeed participating in development and review of several
documents, though like many others, I have less time to invest in IETF
than I once did. (and there seems to be less return on that investment
than in the past)
One thing that seems to have changed in the last 20 years or so - the
IETF is producing more documents, on a much wider variety of topics,
with the number of active participants about the same or fewer (at least
if one uses the number of people who attend meetings as an indicator for
the number of active participants). Sadly, this increased number of
documents is treated as a sign of progress.