On Wed, 22 Apr 2015, Henrik Levkowetz wrote:
Hi Joel,
On 22 Apr 2015, at 17:49, Joel M. Halpern <jmh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have to agree that 12pt produces too large a default. Is there an easy way for me as a user to experiment with what 10pt would look like, so I can comment on that? And is there an easy way for me to try that size on my phone, to see if it seems equally readable there?
I'll set up a bunch of sample pages for you to try out.
Yes, please, I am especially curious if "12pt" is affected by my chosen
"text size"-setting on iPad and iPhone and Android-device, and if "1em" or
"medium" is. I was going to fix some test pages tomorrow myself, but if
you're willing to do it I'll use them as test instead.
Because I want to be able to set the font size according to my preference,
not what the "web designer" thinks is best. I already have the problem on
many "new and modern" web pages that the text is just way too big on my
desktop monitor, probably because the web designer thinks it should look
that way on most peoples' tablets or phones.
Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@xxxxxxxxx