hi 5304, > The one thing I haven't heard raised is the risk of disengagement by > folks who only participate and contribute in particular working groups > and are not "IETFers" in the sense that many of you are. you are replying to someone who goes to the meetings and hides in the noc to avoid the social scene etc. i go out to the very few wgs where i have concerns; though have taken to just listening to the audio and going to the wg if i really need to say something. it's a form of self-regulation. real, N way (for N>1) [0], remote participation would do me just fine. randy --- [0] - we have all been here before -- crosby, stills, nash, and young From: Randy Bush <randy@xxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [vmeet] draft-ietf-genarea-rps-reqs comments To: vmeet@xxxxxxxx Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 01:36:35 +0900 putting my money where my mouth is ... for personal and somewhat superstitious reasons, i do not go to meetings in the southeastern united states. so for atlanta, i would like o to be able to see and hear any of the wg/bof meetings and plenaries o when there are slides or movies, i want to be able to see them or even pull a pdf to view locally o i would like semi-pro video where i can see the speaker, floor speaker, etc. merit used to do a quite good job of this for nanog o i would like to be able to make a presentation, with my face visible and show slides and hear and answer questions from the floor and other remote participants o i would like to be able to speak at the virtual floor mic and, if possible, have my face shown to the meeting room and to other remote folk i do not want to constrain or over-specify how this works. i.e. how the speaking stone is handed around, ... it's gonna be hard enough to do without requiring 42 kinky sub-features and have know-it-all amateurs micro-specifying it. as much as possible the protocols and the software at the remote end should be non-proprietary. and it must run on unix, mac, linux, and optionally ms-windows. :) randy ps: shoot the jabber/im as a formal channel. it's fine for an informal ad hoc social s[n]ide channel