On 10/17/2013 10:16 PM, Jari Arkko wrote: > Shrinking the IESG might make us think harder about what tasks really > are absolutely necessary :-) FWIW, having thought a bit about this my conclusion was that shrinking the IESG to the point where its not actually feasible to do all that's asked/expected by ADs/the-IETF-generally is the only way to get the AD role down to ~1 day a week between IETF meetings. I also have no clue how we mght get there from here;-) And as a factoid, for me, it was very much near full time at first, but after a year was closer to 50-60% of my time when nothing much special is going on, which is mostly, but not always. However my hours-per-week are noticeably higher than before being an AD, so it is more than 50-60% of my pre-AD working week. So I do agree that changes that reduce the load are very desirable if we could find a way to do that. OTOH, I know a lot of other people who's hours per week are growing thanks to be able to work outside of the office so maybe that's a factor too. S.