Hi, Quoting S Moonesamy <sm+ietf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
The original phrasing is as follows: "English is the de facto language of the IETF, but it is not the native language of many IETF participants. Native English speakers attempt to speak clearly and a bit slowly and to limit the use of slang in order to accommodate the needs of all listeners." The draft reuses the text. That text could be rewritten as: English is the de facto language of the IETF, but it is not the native language of many IETF participants. Native English participants attempt to accommodate the needs of other participants by communicating clearly.
I think both parties have to try to express clearly. Those who do not have the English as their native language should also try to do so.
What is unbearable to me is that in more than one discussion in a mailing list someone's opinion is censored because misspell their ideas or opinions.
Regards, Eduardo.- -- Eduardo A. Suarez Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP FCAG: (0221)-4236593 int. 172/Cel: (0221)-15-4557542/Casa: (0221)-4526589 ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.