Hi Joe,
At 08:59 27-08-2013, Joe Abley wrote:
The consistent word for this in 1035 is simply "message". "DNS
Message" is in more common use today, I would say.
The text you quoted from 1035 is most usefully interpreted as a
contraction of "messages sent over UDP"; "UDP message" really
doesn't have a well-understood meaning, and is easily conflated with
"UDP datagram" which does not have a size limitation of 512 bytes.
Thanks for explaining this. Please note that I personally agree with
what you wrote.
My understanding is that the text in Section 3.4 is trying to say DNS
messages over UDP. There was some discussion about that (see
http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/spfbis/current/msg03109.html ).
S. Moonesamy (as document shepherd)