[It is not *directly* related to IETF work but I assume that the goal is shared by many people here: try to find about the future of the Internet. Do note that most questions about what you *wish* will happen but about what you *think* will happen.] To that end, with the help of its Scientific Council and INIT company, AFNIC is carrying out the 2nd edition[1] of its "Technology Backdrop" survey among Internet users and professionals, in the medium-to-long term. We kindly invite you to participate to this survey which is open until 4 June 2012, at the following URL. It is a bit long but, we believe, worth it: http://www.init-web.com/cgi-cluster/Cluster/SF?P=7z254z6z-1z-1zF44165B408 Some complements on methodology and objectives: ----------------------------------------------- Based on forecasts made by respondents to the survey, the backdrop consists of two types of assertions concerning trends. First, the basis of the backdrop consists of items on which there is consensus. Then, forecasts on which sub-populations of respondents disagree are used to integrate alternative scenarios into the backdrop. We believe that the backdrop resulting from this survey may be also of interest to you. Three themes have been chosen in this survey for two profiles, "User" and "Professional": 1. "The Purpose Of The Internet", for both profiles 2. "Global Architecture Of The Internet", for the "Professional" profile only 3. "The Internet Domain Name System (DNS)", for the "Professional" profile only Thank you in advance for your your time and input and please feel free to forward this e-mail to people you would like to invite to provide their input as well. [1] The results of the 1st edition of this survey is available here: http://www.slideshare.net/AFNIC/findings-techbackdropafnic-6789205
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