On 11/24/05, Steven M. Bellovin <smb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > If we adopt some new format, though, I think we > really need the ability to generate diffs of different versions of the > same document. The solution that comes to mind for diffs is to format the old version (to text), format the new version, and use the existing tools (htmlwdiff, rfcdiff, or others). There's no sensible way to do a diff of a graphic so I think diffing the text form is sensible. If it's to be the input of wdiff, it's be feasible to create an XSL transform that generates text (it's tough to wrap to 72 columns and add headers and footers in XSL, but wdiff would (might) make that unimportant), so that diff generation isn't reliant on an installed xml2rfc. I have a transform that I wrote when I was first learning xsl that translates to nroff -- not particularly useful in this context but a proof of concept for going to some textual form. (FOP's txt renderer looks attractive, except that it gets the spacing wrong - I just tried it with Julian's FO scripts and got The three-stageIETF standardizationprocessisdescribed inBCP 9,RFC 2026 [RFC2026]. Inbrief,thethree stagesofInternetstandardizationareProposed (which requiresa wellwritten,openly reviewed specification), Draft(which requiresProposed status,multipleimplementations and some operationalexperience),and full InterneStandard (which requiresDraft statuand more extensi veoperationalexperience).Historically, increasedrequirements,originallydocumented inRFC 1264 [R FC1264], have been appliedto protocols produced withinthe Routing Area. ) Bill _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf