On 21-jul-2005, at 15:23, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
The intellectual successors of Plato's faction gave us the dark ages,
fascism and communism, argument from authority trumps all else. The
intellectual successors of Aristotle's faction gave us the
science, medicine, engineering.
Yeah right. Aristotle only paid lip service to emperical research.
One of his "observations" was that a stone that's twice as heavy,
falls twice as fast. Interestingly, during the middle ages they
couldn't get enough of Aristotle. (And nobody noticed that he was
wrong about falling stones, or much else for that matter.)
As an engineer, I'll take my cues from Galileo any day. As a writer,
there is a lot I can learn from Plato. But Aristotle...?
Empirical observation of the state of Internet security trumps
from authority in my view.
So what insights does your empirical approach to internet security