On 15:23 21/07/2005, Hallam-Baker, Phillip said:
Two and a half thousand years ago a dispute arose in a Greek city on the
Mediterranean concerning the nature of knowledge. One side said that
knowledge should be based on observations and that these are primary.
The other side said that pure reason was supreme and started making
obscure metaphors about caves.
The intellectual successors of Plato's faction gave us the dark ages,
fascism and communism, argument from authority trumps all else. The
intellectual successors of Aristotle's faction gave us the renaissance,
science, medicine, engineering.
Dear Phillip,
I love and agree with your basic reasoning. However, I suggest Plato's
paradigme gives him a chance of beeing redeemed. I certainly love Aristotle
but the _observation_ of the "kubernetes" specificity was Plato's. I
certainly agree that the Dark Side confused the cybernetics, but if you
come back to Ampère, Wiener, Coufignal (people thinking in an
Aristotelician way), and build on them, with the extended Plato's paradigm
("is the network of the networks a fleet or a shipping? an "Admiralty way"
or an intergovernance?) and using their logic inherited from Aristotle
(potentiality, granualrity, scalability, subsidiarity), I feel you can
obtain most of the solutions you look for.
May be could you reread our bible (RFC 1958) and enjoy its only permanent