Re: The process/WG/BCP/langtags mess...

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--On Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 17:55 -0500 Sam Hartman
<hartmans-ietf@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Procedurally speaking the responsible AD (Ted in this case)
> decides what to do next.  He can ask for revisions; he can
> talk to the authors; he can try to create a working group; he
> can tell the authors he will not sponsor the draft; he can
> issue a ballot and put the draft on the IESG agenda.  Those
> options are intended to be a fairly exaustive list of what an
> AD could do after any last call and are not intended to
> express any opinion about the current document.
> So, at some level you will just have to wait to learn Ted's
> opinion of the situation; the rest of us are also waiting for
> the same thing.
> Note that there are procedural safeguards.  If an AD brings a
> document to the IESG that is not ready, other IESG members can
> object.  If the IESG approves a document that is not ready,
> the community can appeal the decision.  If an AD proposes a
> new working group, the community, IAB and IESG get to review
> the proposed working group.  I hope this helps you understand
> the process.

Sam, let me add one or two possibilities to your very helpful
description and list of safeguards above and to Ted's shorter
status summary.  If the AD decides he or she (like you, I'm
trying to be quite generic) won't sponsor the thing, the authors
can go AD-shopping and try to convince someone else to pick it
up.  I wouldn't normally recommend that, if only because I'd
assume that the relevant AD would have asked if anyone else
wanted it and tried to do a handoff if that was appropriate, but
the procedures clearly permit it.  And, if the AD or IESG decide
that the document isn't ready, the authors could try to organize
a WG as an alternative to trying to revise the document among
themselves and as a means of completely separating out the
"community support for doing something" issue from the specific
proposals of the document.




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