--On tirsdag, desember 21, 2004 16:01:58 -0500 Scott Bradner <sob@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
See the line prefixed with "-->" which I think makes it clear that the IASA budget should fit with the budget as expected by IASA.
I think you mean "the IASA budget should fit with the budget as expected by the ISOC"
but the line you point to does not say that- the line would allow the IAOC to come up with a budget twice as big as the ISOC expected - the IAOC would know its twice as big - that is not the same thing as saying that the budget needs to fit within a value that the ISOC could support considering its revenues
I *still* don't understand what point you're trying to make, or why it needs to be made.
I think the IASA needs to tell ISOC a reasonable budget for the IETF.
That's a job that the BCP says lives with IASA and the IAD, *NOT* the ISOC BoT.
If IASA says it needs twice as much money as it has, it needs to explain why. Presumably they will not do so for no reason.
Then, ISOC has to either say "we can come up with that money" or "we can't come up with that money".
If ISOC says "no", IASA and the IAD has to come up with a new plan - that's already provided for.
But I think saying "look at ISOC's budget 6 months ahead of its approval, make a plan that fits within that bugdet, and make absolutely no requests, ever, for more money" is a silly way to constrain the IAD.
I think Bert's text is OK.
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