-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- >>>>> "Pyda" == Pyda Srisuresh <srisuresh@xxxxxxxxx> writes: Pyda> Dont have a lot to add to the already nicely articulated Pyda> comments below from John. However, I would like to know why Pyda> this IETF meeting in DC is scheduled so soon after the last Pyda> one - barely 3 months from the last one. Added to this, the Pyda> dead-lines for the drafts are more conservative, leaving very Pyda> little time for the draft authors. Thanks. In general, we have to fit the meetings into a number of constraints. First, early-December to late-January is filled with all sorts of religious constraints: (Hannukah, Ramadan, Christmas, Solstice, Chinese new year, etc.). So, December is not an option. US-Thanksgiving basically writes up the last week of November and this year, the cross-over week. Second, we have to deal with not overlapping a number of other conferences/committees with either high overlaps in people, or in some cases, venues. The real question is, why was the last meeting scheduled so late. Why do we keep scheduling summer IETF on the first week of August. That's the only decent week of weather in most of Canada! mid-July is a much better time in my opinion. - -- ] "Elmo went to the wrong fundraiser" - The Simpson | firewalls [ ] Michael Richardson, Xelerance Corporation, Ottawa, ON |net architect[ ] mcr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/mcr/ |device driver[ ] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Finger me for keys iQCVAwUBQXRemoqHRg3pndX9AQHNdwP9GrbNkkDjMRJtZ3Lfx9+TKky+naXXs368 ZoXLJ8EKr3M6NQVye3vPGQcqK9qthBxc8LyqBYJ80LZzIjiON0GG4W8hW1SRd1Fr DNUyRjvHSt0oxGb7cHCtR5pd0S4ZnwrxQryDgLW90uDWH7MmWs58jkwuSA2YeE5b XpOXc80vjHE= =eRol -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf