[Last-Call] Re: [dmarc-ietf] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: [OPS-DIR]Re: Opsdir telechat review of draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-28

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On 3/6/25 05:53, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>     I think this is just a warning from the tool that can be safely ignored.
> No, I think it's right, you need RFC 7405 if you want to use the case
> sensitivity extension to ABNF. 
> You can either introduce the reference where you start using the "%s"
> extension, or you could do a brief Section 1.1.2 that says something like:
> Formal language specifications in this document use ABNF [RFC 5234] as
> augmented for case sensitivity by [RFC 7405].

We already have that in the Github version, but not in any released
version of the draft:

| ### Notation
| Certain properties of email messages described in this
| document are referenced using notation found in [@?RFC5598]
| (e.g., "RFC5322.From").
| This specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur Form
| (ABNF) notation of [@!RFC5234] and [@!RFC7405].

Anyway, I think you're overestimating the smartness of the tool, as it
only consider the ABNF pasted into the textarea.

I just tried it again, and got the same complaints as before, without
even parsing the document first. Reading the source code, this warning
comes when it is invoked without the rfc7405 option set and a "%s" is


However, looking more closely at the output, what at first glance seemed
like a repetition of the input, actually has useful information in it.

; dot-atom-text UNDEFINED
; domain UNDEFINED

These references RFC5322 in a comment


These are implicit Core Rules, and taking a cue from RFC5322, we could add:

| The following primitive tokens that are used but
| otherwise unspecified are taken from the "Core Rules"
| of [@!RFC5234]: DIGIT, ALPHA.


This is also from RFC5322, but not noted as such where we use it.

; domain-name UNDEFINED

The draft text says:

| The first domain-name indicates the DNS domain name about
| which the report was generated. The second domain-name
| indicates the DNS domain name representing the Mail
| Receiver generating the report.

It's clear what domain-name is supposed to be, but it being
syntactically undefined is problematic.

I suggest we add this to resolve it:

  domain-name = dot-atom-text ; from RFC5322

; filename defined but not used
; dmarc-subject defined but not used

These are the 'results' referred to in the text when defining how to
construct a filename and the subject header, respectively.

Daniel K.

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