[Last-Call] Re: Opsdir telechat review of draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-28

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Thank you for your response.  Inline below.

I'll upload a new version shortly

Alex Brotman
Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dhruv Dhody via Datatracker <noreply@xxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 1:46 AM
> To: ops-dir@xxxxxxxx
> Cc: dmarc@xxxxxxxx; draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting.all@xxxxxxxx; last-
> call@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Opsdir telechat review of draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting-28
> Reviewer: Dhruv Dhody
> Review result: Has Nits
> # OPSDIR review of draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting
> I have reviewed this document as part of the Operational directorate's
> ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG.
> These comments were written to improve the operational aspects of the IETF
> drafts. Comments that are not addressed in the last call may be included in AD
> reviews during the IESG review. Document editors and WG chairs should treat
> these comments just like any other last-call comments.
> The document lacks a dedicated Manageability or Operational Considerations
> section. Authors should consider if adding such a section could help (see RFC
> 5706). Some high-level thoughts -

I added a small section about operational considerations.

> - Perhaps text on parsing XML and ways to integrate with the monitoring
> system.
> - Error are free-flowing strings and thus some operational guidance around
> their use.
> - While providing aggregate reports itself is a monitoring technique, should
> there also be some discussion on the frequency and amount of such
> reporting?

This is a bit tricky.  It's entirely possible that the lack of reports is not the Domain Owner's fault.   Or maybe you just didn't send any email that day, etc.

> - Guidance of local storage of the XML file

Added a bit

> - Logs when reporting cannot be done (size limitations etc), DNS issues,
> duplicate received.

Added a small part

> ## General
> - The document is clear and well-written but hard to read for a non-expert in
> the field
> - Have the XML, XSD, and ABNF verified via tools? The shepherd report says
> no.
> Was there a reason for only manual checks?

I believe the XSD was validated (by someone else).  I'll double check the ABNF and XML.

> - The Abstract says - "This document, in part, obsoletes and replaces
> [RFC7489], along with [I-D.ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis] and [I-D.ietf-dmarc-failure-
> reporting]."; this should be expanded on how these document set are related.
> Appendix C might be a good place to expand on it.


> - There are various MUST elements for the XML elements but no guidance on
> what should happen if those MUST are not satisfied. On the receiving side,
> should the whole XML be discarded? Should the parsing error be ignored and
> every attempt to extract information attempted?

IMO, I'd discard the report.  If it's discarded, you don't know where there may be an error in the format/data, and it makes the data more questionable.  I've added a SHOULD discard if the format does not match the specification.

> ## Minor
> - Section 2.1.1, Remove the "Otherwise" in the note to the RFC EDITOR, the
> note needs to be removed irrespective of the clause before.


> - Section, 'p', 'sp', and 'np' all have the same description in the table.

That's correct.  If others feel otherwise, it can be changed.

> - Section, "One record per (IP, result, IDs Auths) tuples"; what is IDs
> Auths is unclear.

I'm going to have to ask Daniel, he created that bit. -- I think I figured it out with a nudge from him.

> - Section, Add forward reference to section 2.1.5 for 'pre-defined
> override type'.

> - Section 2.2, maybe add a forward reference to section 4?


> - Section 2.5, "a feedback report SHOULD employ a secure transport
> mechanism"; maybe we need a reference or some more text on what exactly
> the secure mechanism is.


> - Section 2.5.1, add some text to explain ridfmt and ridtxt as you have done in
> other subsections.

Added a small example

> - Section 2.5.3, "The specification as written allows for the addition of other
> registered URI schemes to be supported in later versions." -> would this be a
> version upgrade via the XML "version" element? Note that you currently say
> "MUST have the value 1.0"; perhaps this could be rephrased to allow version
> upgrades in future.

We considered this, even incrementing for this document.  In the end, we decided against it, and decided the contents of the report are a better indicator.

> - Section 5, the Registrant Contact is set to "See the "Author's Address"
> section of this document."; doesn't this ought to be the IESG? As per RFC
> 3688 where the registry was created - "In the case of IETF developed
> standards, the Registrant will be the IESG."

Amanda commented the same.  Updated

> - Section 9, I don't think [I-D.ietf-dmarc-dmarcbis] can be listed as an
> Informative reference, it ought to be normative.

Typo, resolved

> ## Nits
> - Expand these terms on first use - SPF, DKIM, PSO, PSD, rua,


> - I don't see a hyperlink to section 2.1.2 when you say '...explanation in
> "Handling Domains in Reports".


> - Please fix the Unicode handling in the Acknowledgement section.

I think this is an artifact of mmark and xml2rfc.  In my local markdown file, the characters have the proper diacritics.  If I fix the XML manually, it seems okay in the TXT file.

> Thanks!
> Dhruv

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