<INT AD/IESG member hat on> Khaled, I appreciate that you would like to have some technical discussion about your draft. For many reasons, this list (ietf@ietf) is not the best venue. As others have noted, you have already received some technical feedback. I would kindly ask that you refrain from trying to generate new discussion until you have at least posted a new version that shows some effort has been made to address the comments already received. After you have done that, a better venue might be intarea@. You are free to ask the intarea chairs [INTAREA] for agenda time at IETF 119, but there may not be any available time this close to the meeting. If you or an interested collaborator are able to attend IETF 119 in person you are free to try to schedule a side meeting using the wiki [SM119]. But, again, I request that you first post a new version of your draft that addresses all previous discussion points. Regards, -Erik [INTAREA] https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/intarea/about/ [SM119] https://wiki.ietf.org/meeting/119/sidemeetings