Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2024 6:16:32 PM
To: Khaled Omar <eng.khaled.omar@xxxxxxxxxxx>; ietf <IETF@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Adding IPv10 I-D to the IETF 119 meeting agenda
We have been down this road with you before. Previous attempts did not end well, with you insisting the document that you submitted and granted rights for be withdrawn, and threatening legal action.
You think you have a good solution to what you see as a large problem, and you have been unable to convince anyone here.
Could you please give the green light to the IPv10 I-D to be discussed during the next IETF meeting.
Unless you find a second person that is willing to work on this, I do not believe the IETF should allocate any time to it. I do not know what you do at DELL, but I assume you have some industry colleagues. Talk to them and see if you can get them to work with you on this. You and I exchanged a few emails privately, and this is what I suggested a month ago.
- You can guide me to the correct Work Group, if IntArea still fits, then please confirm.
Perhaps this is just because you wrote a casual email, but an Area is different from a Work*ing* Group. Look at for some information.