Reviewer: Dave Thaler
Review result: Ready with Nits
I am the assigned INTDIR reviewer for this draft. Please treat these comments just
like any other last call comments.
Section 1:
The client learns the URI to use for the gateway using a well-known
URI [WELLKNOWN], "ohttp-gateway",
"ohttp-gateway" is not a well-known URI, it is a URI suffix. Please reword.
(Wording is fine in Sections 5, 6, and 8.2, it's only this one sentence that's incorrect.)
This document also defines a way to fetch an gateway's key
s/an gateway/a gateway/
Section 4.1:
supports a Oblivious HTTP could look like this:
s/a Oblivious/an Oblivious/
Section 7:
always checking for a gateway configuration Section 6 on the well-
known gateway location Section 5. Use of encrypted DNS along with
I can't parse the Section uses in the middle of the sentence.
Maybe they belong in parens?
Section 7.2:
done by limiting the the allowable values of dohpath to a single
s/the the/the/
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